Just In
for A Kunoichi's Debt

12/8/2005 c1 13Boingy
What happened? Why did that guy call her a bitch... what did Sakura-chan do?
12/8/2005 c1 mipapo
12/8/2005 c1 4Outsane
Ahh! I wanna know what happened! Tell me! Update soon!
12/8/2005 c1 faberryjuice
Great chapter! I hope you update soon
12/8/2005 c1 5PrincessChii
YAY, you're back with the SasuSaku love! *glomp* I'm so happy. *_* But anyway, of course you should continue! And you're welcome for the reviews on "Mission Impossible?"! :] Hmm...and...I look forward to more of your work, of course~
12/8/2005 c1 10Sakurachild
o, intresting. Update soon.
12/8/2005 c1 Kookyz too lazy to log
You MUST continue...
12/8/2005 c1 HighEternity
Yay! Good starting chapter. And of course you should continue it!~ All your other stories were so awesome, I can't wait to see how this one turns out. Hopefully we'll see the next chapter soon ^.^ Good luck with school!
12/8/2005 c1 2KiRaRa ROX
Great job, I suggest u continue the story. Was the last line(in ur message at the end of the pg.) in spanish?
12/8/2005 c1 9darknessmistess
Woah! What's going on! I liked your other story too, just to lazy to review it . . . I'm looking foward to reading another one of your works!
12/8/2005 c1 4Sya0ran
This is another amazingly well written story by you! Of course you should continue...omg wow! Haha, I wish I had your mad skillz! ;P lol Yep. So I hope you update soon! :D
12/8/2005 c1 5portaltomymind
hey! i read Mission Impossible? just a couple days ago and loved it! this one looks very promising so please continue it!

just who is rooster head? lol
12/8/2005 c1 1thepastisthepast
asking if we wanted u to continue this was a joke right? of course we want u to continue! hell ya! u cant just leave sasuke confused and stop or he will come after u..tht is dangerous lol

12/8/2005 c1 5Kaoru4
love it. Can't wait for the Sasuke/Sakura interaction though. I like the plot already and the characters are really distinct and well written. Please continue!
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