Just In
for A Kunoichi's Debt

3/20/2008 c2 3missmori
it's so good! and you haven't updated for...uh...two years! and it's still on hold! waahh! :(

2/13/2008 c2 5InnerCherry
Love it. Update soon.
11/21/2007 c2 2snowygirl55
More, I need more! *walks in a a zombie-like state* Plz update. Plz update. Need more SasuSaku.
10/30/2007 c2 1Tomochii-Chan
NO! DAMNIT! It was friggin getting GOOD! .

PLEASE update soon T^T
6/22/2007 c2 1SlytherinInToxicKat
I have no idea what happened to sakura except, that one guy Junko did something to her that is the only thing i can think of but i'm probually wrong, right? PLZ FINSH I HAVE GOT TI KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!
6/20/2007 c2 3Poisend Rose
plz update soon!
5/14/2007 c2 14MnlLolita
Oh... I love this! And you're filipino too? Nice!
3/17/2007 c2 Maddy
Off to a good start, but u stopped. =(
11/25/2006 c2 pink22sakura
Wapak! Update na! I like this story! :)
11/23/2006 c2 critic
good story. but why haven't you been updating?
11/15/2006 c2 SorayaG
This story is awesome (plz make the chapter longer)Update Soon!
11/13/2006 c2 Zenze
E! ;O I can't wait to find out who Junko is. You almost make the SasuSaku pairing good... I mean, honestly, I never was a fan of canon, but great job on this, I can't wait for your update.
11/13/2006 c2 8Just me and myself
Keep going. I know it's on hold but it looks realy cool.
7/31/2006 c2 4liandrin
What happens? By the way, this is good, so you should continue with it.

7/6/2006 c1 notawriter butareader
OMG! sems so.. interesting! update son!(:
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