Just In
for A Kunoichi's Debt

6/7/2006 c1 Sono Sai
I love it. when is the next chapter coming out I can't wait. ek. hee hee hee. what is wrong with Sakura-san?
6/7/2006 c2 orangeco
Love your FANFICS! :D

Pls continue the "Kunoichi's Debt"!
6/6/2006 c2 christy
damnit girl why did you have to cut it off there! it was getting real good! plz update so that i can read more! ^_^
4/19/2006 c2 bella-balooshi
Please upate soon! I'd really like to see what happened between sakura and that junko guy.

. Agh!
4/16/2006 c2 Breezybiatch
4/8/2006 c2 sakurablossom94
write the next chap. soon!1
3/31/2006 c2 kanan com
UPDATE! my FUCKING god! its feels like TWO YEARS since u last updated it! GOD
3/1/2006 c1 whatever
wow this story is so good update soon please and what happened to Sakura? Please update! T.T
2/23/2006 c2 afitre
I beg you to continue. Even though you claim that there is none, I can see that there is a plot hidden there somewhere. So please continue. You don't know how much I would appreciate it.
2/22/2006 c2 Guest
update soon, update soon, update son...

I really want to know what is gogin to happen...!

love it so plz update... ^_~
2/19/2006 c2 1pink weasel
update soon.
2/10/2006 c2 8Yumie-11
Hey! wow! i really like your story...kabayan! hehehe...Well, if u wouldn't mind...please read and review also to my fic "Escape"...A SasuSaku story...thanks then..

you are a great writer...

go go go!

update soon...
2/5/2006 c2 kanan com
2/4/2006 c2 agent-doo
Oh no. I hate the dreaded cliffhanger! Please write more soon. I eagerly await the next chapter.
1/28/2006 c2 kanan com
eh? you HAVE to update! this story is very good! if you don't update...I'll..I'll...commit suicide! HA! what do you think now, not so high & mighty! *you not caring*

LOL but still, can you update? ONEGAI?(please)
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