Just In
for Blood and Tears

1/3/2006 c2 5SovereignxXxBrunette
awsome chapter! the perfect mix of humor and drama! update soon... yes, i thought some of it was humoress even if you didn't intend it to be...
1/3/2006 c2 AngelFeet
Oh Man...Aang's dead? wow...kinda would have to make sense...oh wonder who sold the two and how they even ended up being sold...what happened to Iroh and Sokka? Are they dead too? Cause that be sad...sadder I mean really. Any way Love the story ...Really really LOVE it. Would Marry it if I jks cant wait for the next updates good Luck!
1/3/2006 c2 13VSMcGrath
Wow. High drama and Zuko getting his ass kicked! Always good things. Your writing is fluid, clean, and poetic. Very nice. I'm adding this one to my list of alerts. Nice work! I'm really looking forward to reading more!
1/3/2006 c2 167Rashaka
OMG, you updated! I had thought this one forsaken. Glad to see a new chapter. I'd willing to act as a beta for you if you don't get any other offers. I'm better at being an editor/proofreader rather than a beta though- I can pick apart grammar and sentence mechanics, but if you're looking for a beta with continuity and characterization recommendations I won't be much help to you.
1/3/2006 c2 SeleneOfTheMoon
Wow, this is really good! I like it! But, Zuko's not going blind is he? upd8 soon!
1/3/2006 c2 9Shrugs
I adore this story...keep it up! If you still want a beta reader, or don't have one yet, I'd be glad to beta for you!
1/3/2006 c2 1Khazia
If you are still looking for a beta reader by the time this review is posted, I have two free hours every morning which could generally be devoted to reading. E-mail me if the need is still present, and I would be happy to oblige for such an amazing story. Honestly, I don't think you need a beta reader, but that is your choice. I bow to your creative skills.

1/3/2006 c2 Heather Davis
Good Good, keep it coming...^-^
1/3/2006 c2 18SweetStories11
omg! wow... O.O that is so sad, all of the description you put into zuko... i could really see him so hurt! V.V sad sad sad... but reallyy really good! update soon!

12/30/2005 c1 Sassy Babe
I love you're title so much. It caught me and sucked me in. I so totally loved this chapter! Please put up another on or I'll faint.

Sassy Babe
12/28/2005 c1 2kakashisninjadogs
Let them escape!

Do it!


Great so far

12/28/2005 c1 2PuckerUpSmile
Oh! i like i like! and cant wait till u up date! hopefully its soon good luck!
12/21/2005 c1 xXx Zanzie xXx
nice i cant wait until the next chapter comes out

i luv it coz it is so different

plz update soon :D


Eternal Zanzie ^_^
12/12/2005 c1 WindBenderToo lazy to sign in
THis story is fascinating and unique. It carries a deeper message and conveys the human grip on pride and survival. It describes what only the bravest of society understand; that to live a few more days hiding in your corner is not worth sacrificing your courage and dignity.

A fascinating work of deeper proportions. Keep up the excellent work.

12/12/2005 c1 5aturia
Wow Caeria...great start for this story! You really set up the scene with lots of suspense...what will happen to them next? I must say that I did not even know FFNet had an Avatar category for stories. I love the cartoon and have watched every episode...but isn't Sukko's name "Saka", though I could be mistaken, as I have only heard it on TV, perhaps its spelled differently? Anyway, I just love your writing (especially Pet Project)!
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