Just In
for Nightmare

4/25/2006 c3 babybeastboy
stupid Robin *glares angrily*

sweet Beast Boy (victory dance)

so her Chakra cracked and she loses control of her powers, interesting plot u hav here
4/25/2006 c2 babybeastboy
what happened? i guess it's something terrible...
4/24/2006 c11 fluffy pink bunny
wow now Raven is pregnant! can't wait to hear how the story goes from here.

i wonder what would happen if Raven told Beast Boy about it

do update soon and hope your illness goes away

fluffy pink bunny ^_^
4/22/2006 c11 33Moving Mountains
Ah this story is so good! I can't believe Raven is pregnant! Please update soon, I really wanna read Robin and Raven's talk xx
4/21/2006 c11 9K.C. Raven
Up date soon

plz plz plz plz plz plz plz

I can't take the waiting!

It's killing me
4/21/2006 c11 6Charys of the shadows
gd chapter can't wait to see what happens! update soon. x
4/20/2006 c11 19HeadfirstforMCR
What! That's how it ended! Ow well. Update soon!
4/20/2006 c11 Sunkistgurl10
I know what it is!I wonder how Beast Boy will react?I like this chapter.Mainly because the suspence and Starfire's not knowing what it is.
4/20/2006 c11 2LilliesOfTheValley

She's pregnant.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? ^.^ please continue!
4/20/2006 c9 LilliesOfTheValley
(I know I stopped reviewing a long time ago, but I wanna get back.)

hm. this is cool. Rae and BB seem a we bit OOC, but eh. I do that too!
4/20/2006 c11 13RayeWilliams
It waas a pregnancy test, and it was positive. She was crying because she is about to give birth to Slade's child. Okay, and now I really REALLY want to find out what happens next, so update soon, and peace out!

- Sorrowbyrd
4/15/2006 c10 9K.C. Raven

i'M LIKing this story.

And it takes alot to get me in romance flicks.

up date soon.
4/8/2006 c10 6Charys of the shadows
nice chapter. plz update soon!
4/7/2006 c10 fluffy pink bunny
yay everything is back to normal now, but since you said there's still the next chapter, the story hasn't ended

oh man i love the way you write and the way the story is going :)

keep it up ^_^
4/5/2006 c10 Sunkistgurl10
Good, I was wondering how the next chapter would turn out...I thought it was funny when Beast Boy called Raven his "Baby Rae Rae"

Oh, by the way, I sent you a neofriend request at Neopets.(My username is Sunkistgurl10)
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