Just In
for Love's Heartbreak

4/9/2010 c1 6Kelsiee
Love, Love, Loved it,

im more of a ginny+draco=love fan,

but i like this fic,

it works well,

because it was written well,

keep up the good work :)
1/2/2006 c1 20Honeycups
It does. It does have a point. In my opinion, a story doesn't always have to have a ending where everything solves. I like open endings, like this one, where you have to use your own imagination. I don't think you should continue it, 'cause why ruin perfect? I think this shot was marvellous, because Draco is as cold and snide as he should be on the outside, but yet you can sense there's something about him, that he's got something good in himself. And Ginny, even though he's that almost mean Malfoy, she's calm and dodges his comments off herself. That's my image when I read this at least. It's not completely dark, I find it almost sweet. They do care about each other, even if it's only at that very moment.

12/20/2005 c1 50AnimeSiren
yeah that is indeed a little dark, but its a good story none the less!
12/13/2005 c1 SarahCullen4
i like it. very in character.
12/13/2005 c1 3Punkin02
I liked it alot :) It did have a point...a point, I think, a lot of people will get. :) Good Job

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