Just In
for Petal in the Rain

2/3/2021 c36 Guest
omgg love it!
2/3/2021 c36 danielle
always impressed when there's a new chapter, thanks for keeping up with it
2/3/2021 c36 Writtenin1990
Thank you for this.
2/3/2021 c36 chillaxin101
Wow you updated! I am glad you haven’t abandoned this story, and I know that life can get in the way, but I am glad to see you back! Especially during these times, the update alert was a pleasant surprise. Hope you are doing well and staying safe, and can’t wait to see where you take this story next.
2/3/2021 c36 Guest
Love the chapter! Regulus is becoming a very interesting character. I wondered from time to time if there might be an update in the pandemic but then I saw the Facebook page was gone and lost hope! Thank you for continuing to update even if infrequently. It always brightens my day when the email comes.
2/3/2021 c36 TheEnchantedDreamer
I loooved the ending of this chapter... James and Lily are soo cute... please update soon..
2/2/2021 c36 1ihatemakingupusernames
thank you for never abandoning this story like so many other authors abandon theirs. its honestly the best serotonin and dopamine boost to see my notification pop up telling me that you've uploaded a new chapter. I know your life probably can get crazy busy because I know mine can, but thank you for taking time out of your busy life to sit down and write a beautifully written chapter for years. it doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as you keep writing your story and uploading it here, please know that you will always have you true fans waiting and reading!
-love, an old and patient fan
2/2/2021 c36 hrtregulus
You're married? Congrats!
2/2/2021 c36 Alymariet
This was a very welcome surprise! Loved every moment of this chapter. Feel a little sorry for regulus,and his understandable resentment towards Sirius. A little lily and James moment I have been dying for! ( with a perfect hint of drama). Glad to see your updating again! ( totally understand the whole life gets busy thing! ) looking forward to more.
2/2/2021 c36 hmmmmwhobedis
So firstly, OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG YOU ARE WRITING AGAIN! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS AT ALL. I've only recently discovered this story and absolutely loved it, but I was so disappointed when it wasn't updated in ages, but I followed it anyway. And let me tell you, when I woke up after sleeping and was almost ready to fall asleep again, I saw the mail about this and all the tiredness and sleep flew away. I was so excited and thank you thank you thank you thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much for writing this story. I will follow this one till I die. Hope you have the best day ever and that you stay safe. You don't know how happy, excited and thankful I am for your existence. I love this story very much, and would love to know you, minus the story. Xxx WITH LOADS OF LOVE AND HOPE THAT YOU GET EVERY GOOD THING IN THE WORLD
2/2/2021 c36 gryffindormischief
What a fun surprise to see an update! Thank you. Hope you and your loved ones re well and safe.
2/2/2021 c36 gigi
lovely! I've been a follower since 2015 and with each new chapter, you never fail to disappoint! I love the drama and the sheer over-the-top-ness of everything I'm this chapter, what with the ball (and after-party!).

I think the only thing that was too dramatic for me was probably Regulus's behavior in that he seemed almost cartoonishly evil. but I could see as the chapter ended and his issues with Sirius were brought up, he was portrayed as more complex.
2/2/2021 c35 Bodega Cat
I binged this story a while ago and I'm really glad to see it continue! Very well-crafted and compelling and I can't wait to read more.
2/2/2021 c36 dianisimova
yesss! a whole new chapterI hope it means the story continues, can't wait to see what is next!
2/2/2021 c36 MistressBlack523
oh my god aah
I have been following this story since I was 15 (omg half my life!) when you first published it and was always something I always looked forward to. Thank you so much for bringing such joy through this story and I am so happy to hear about your life updates!

Please take care and thank for basically being a part of my fic reading life for so long. It's so wild to think of how long its been!
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