Just In
for Petal in the Rain

8/13/2022 c38 Guest
i swear i let out a bit of a scream when i saw you updated. a new chapter always makes my day and never fails to leave me excited to read more of this story! best of luck on the next segment!
8/9/2022 c38 Guest
nice! Eagerly waiting for the next chapter
8/8/2022 c38 smartwolf
I absolutely loved this last update! Please, please, please update soon. I desperately need to know what happens in the games.
8/8/2022 c38 Writtenin1990
You made a hard week a little less hard with this update. Thank you
8/8/2022 c38 Ash Linton
hello! I can't tell you how happy I was to be alerted regarding the update! I have been following your story for years now. everytime you update, i go back a few chapters to get into it again. this one was marvellous, I truly can't wait to see what tricks lily is going to pull up, and definitely cannot wait to see what the Games is going to hold for everyone. I sometimes feel bad for poor James to go through such anxiety xD still each obstacles seem to make him and lily all the more endearing and growing together as well as individuals. Hope to hear from you soon! Cannot wait for the upcoming chapters. I missed your stories so much! Lots of love~
8/8/2022 c38 Guest
Amazing story! Can't wait for the Games!
8/8/2022 c38 SF
I love this story- I’ve read it so many times and every time an update comes out I get so excited! I’m sure you hear this a lot, but I’d loooove more frequent updates (or more stories!)
8/6/2022 c38 3eclipsesolar
I love this story! Cant wait to read the next chapter :)
8/6/2022 c38 Gi-L-Ha
Miss you too, but i dont complain , because if you dont update too often then this story wont end too soon :)
But still, cant wait another chapter.
Can you tell how many chapters is in this story?
8/6/2022 c38 Alymariet
You made my day with this update! Can not wait to see what lily’s been planning! This is still my favourite lily/James story I’ve come across, even after all these years! So many emotions, and once again leave us wanting more! Beautiful chapter!
8/6/2022 c38 1lyllia.belle
Wohooo made my day to see a new chapter! Can't wait for the games!
8/6/2022 c38 JilyKavinsky89
ooohhhh! can't wait for the next one
8/6/2022 c38 Guest
loveed it! and missed you!
8/5/2022 c38 Fluffymarshmallows
Yesss! You updated! Poor Severus and his poor heart. Lily really is amazing isn't she. I’m so excited to see her kick butt in the next chapter.
8/5/2022 c38 badluck-8ball
Loved it!
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