Just In
for Captive

6/30/2019 c34 89Mustard Lady
6/30/2019 c33 Mustard Lady
6/30/2019 c32 Mustard Lady
Oh no. I remember when our sweet dog had to be put down. It was so awful!
6/30/2019 c31 Mustard Lady
Oh, not another horse down. Legolas won't be able to rest his mind at all now.
6/30/2019 c30 Mustard Lady
Phew! They finally made it! Ooo. Sounds gruesome. Hehehe, poor Elanath worrying about his own ankle.
6/30/2019 c29 Mustard Lady
Yes! Help! Hopefully now they can get to Rivendell safely and quickly.
6/29/2019 c27 Mustard Lady
Another injured friend? At least Elanath got help almost right away.
6/29/2019 c25 Mustard Lady
Aww. Grief is a killer!
6/29/2019 c24 Mustard Lady
Chapter rightly named!
6/29/2019 c23 Mustard Lady
Oh no! This is NOT good!
6/28/2019 c22 Mustard Lady
Whoa! Gotta watch that ankle and his punctured lung.
6/28/2019 c21 Mustard Lady
Okay, forgot to say for the previous chapter: it was just a bad dream, Aragorn? Oh my! Didn't see that coming.

They're on their way. Let's hope they don't run into too much trouble!
6/28/2019 c20 Mustard Lady
I hope it doesn't take them too long to get to Rivendell!
6/28/2019 c19 Mustard Lady
I refuse to believe that!
6/28/2019 c18 Mustard Lady
Those gut feelings are so frightfully real!
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