Just In
for Only Hope

5/28/2006 c3 bloodrose01
That was great!^.^ Another fantastic chapter!If you keep updating I'll keep reading!


3/5/2006 c3 3absol1
That's so awesome! Come Yu Team! ^v^ hehe
2/20/2006 c3 1BananaBlitzer
WAHOO!awsome chap!i wonder what will happen..
2/20/2006 c2 BananaBlitzer
sorry! i haven't been on in awhile but a great chap
2/6/2006 c3 KaboomingKitsune-LookWhoBlewUpTheToilet
cool cool glad you finally updated
2/6/2006 c2 KaboomingKitsune-LookWhoBlewUpTheToilet
YAY she miss congeniality!
12/28/2005 c1 bloodredroseindarkblackflames
u hve 2 continue it! it looks so good i sure hope u do cuz i'm going 2 by dying...^_^ gl
12/23/2005 c1 KaboomingKitsune-LookWhoBlewUpTheToilet
how could it be a one shot! do you want to kill us all from suspense? continue, or else =_=
12/23/2005 c1 BananaBlitzer
I love all your stories so this counts as well!UPDATE ASAP!
12/22/2005 c1 4SilverRaindropsFall
Hey Silver,

You better finish the rest of the flipping story! I'm on the edge of my seat here and you aren't doing anything about... hurry up...

Sunny Daisy

P.S. I'm writing this from my friend's computer ::coughSilver'scomputercough:: so adios...
12/21/2005 c1 4Little.Miss.Oblivious
I have a feeling Tony is going to get shot. I don't know why though. Also, I hate to sound so freakin stupid but, what are nylons? I can't remember what they are! Gr! Damn me and my short-term memory! I hope you continue this! Ja ne! XD

12/21/2005 c1 1bloodrose01
I really like your story!I hope you update soon!I'll def keep reading!Good luck!


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