Just In
for Magic And The Hippogriff

7/1/2008 c10 1tiffanyblues
Please update!
6/11/2006 c9 5My Life Craves Pirates
i remember your cats!which ones did i meet?sneaky and fluffy?i think so...the other two were hiding.

and i was gloating at you cuz i could make your dog sit and you couldn't. |3.oh yeah i'm good.

good story!

+::My Life Craves Pirates::+
5/9/2006 c8 13Thebobthing
Dude! I tried that barking thing, and scared the HECK OUTTA MY FAMILY! WOOT!*does the happy kirbay dance*
4/14/2006 c1 Kallie
Okay...You fail at life... Learn to speak japanese before you use the super special fun words. Seriously, it's pathetic. Don't feel too bad, now, because I used to do the same thing. Fortunatly, I wasn't very pathetic, and never posted my stories.

Seriously, your story is kind of horrible. If you took out the japanese, you'd sound like you had a brain...Maybe.

Also, have people look over your stories before you post them. Save yourself from people like me and worse.

Also, don't write from first person view. It's not working for you. Try third person.
4/14/2006 c11 2Dragon of the Water
uu u i know both! the eyes belong to kelsey *cough cough me cough cough* and the song is from the spice girls *puches fist in air* now that takes skill! i am SO sorry i havent been updating on naomie. i think my brother screwed up my fanfic acount cus now i cant upload chapters. *mumbles* friking sucks...anyway i still cant believe i am going to really meet you guys! (not that i didnt before but now you will know everything) SKWE! very good and update soon!
4/12/2006 c11 13Thebobthing
4/12/2006 c11 Eav1ng
This is possibly one of the most apalling takes on Harry Potter that I have seen yet. Congradulations on making Harry cry. The characters are Mary-Sues through and through, the plot is non-existant, grammar is terrible, and your Author Notes stuck throughout the story make it quite amateurish if not immature. So do the Uma/Amu adds at the beginning and the end.
3/28/2006 c5 Thebobthing
*strolls in, with red eyes, and a evil grin* I'm the Spawn of Satan, nice to meet you! *leaves*
3/13/2006 c10 Thebobthing
muwhhahahahahahhaa...*dies laughing* DUDE! You totally kick *squonky sound*! PLEASE UPDATE CUZ I LOVE IT!

2/23/2006 c10 2Dragon of the Water
O.o ...oranges...right...anyway great chapter very funny! and when am i coming in with my powers? *pout* just kidding! ^.^ anyway great chapter and update soon!
1/30/2006 c8 Dragon of the Water
*anime tears* o come on dont be so evil! and where was i really? o please update soon PWEASE!

(that was a very long pwease! if you couldnt read that)
1/29/2006 c7 Dragon of the Water
*pout* you better update on tuesday or no cookies for you! oa dn i updated on naomie dont know if you already know that but know you do so you can go read and reveiw! if you update soon i will tell you what i have in mind for the prank naruto and naomie are going to play on sasuke
1/17/2006 c6 Dragon of the Water
aw you are so evil! o come on put more me in the story! and will you really stop if you dont get any reviews? o and the message i sent you before? i didnt no you updated so ignore the part when i said update or else. ah what the heck im saying it now. really good and update soon! o and i updated on naomie ya might wanna check that out too!
1/5/2006 c5 Dragon of the Water
this. is. so. COL!

I want to be in it too! heres my profile!

name: kelsey (means from the sea, so cool!)

spicies: i dont know either an ice dragon or a water wolf. i cant decide.

eyes: golden blue

hair: brown streaked with silver and blue

weapon: staff made completly out of ice, can take the form of any weapon and can never be broken

personality: usually loud and friendly. i LOVE playing pranks and singing (my friends tell me my voice is good but i HATE it. i just like singing). i love drawing, ice skating, hiking, soccer, reading, and i am an ok student. i hate being the center of attention and get stage fright. i can be very scary when i am mad when i want to be. and i love all animals

age: 13 (or 1300 years in the other realm)

Special traits: i can turn into a full dragon that has blue/purple scales and blue eyes or a silver blue wolf. depends what you what me to be.

o and one other thing- i have a necklace that has a charm in the shape of a moon. it was from my grandmother and i hate when people ask me about it. and my hair. i also have made my own cloking spell that i redo every night. i am strongest when the moon is out and weakest when it is the new moon (which is when there is no moon)

you really dont have to put me in your story but if you do that would be so cool!
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