Just In
for Ghosts

6/3/2006 c28 53Jessiy Landroz
well, before I start, the later half of your story is all italic-ized, *pokes Cyn* I think you need to fix that~

now, Mike knows it's victor, but in the same time, it's not Victor; Victor couldn't controle rats, so how was this to happen? oh, and the whole 'Don getting ready with popcorn' bit was FUN-EE! and I think he really should cut down on the stuff~ XD

and technically, Leo and Mike saved each other's hides for tonight; well, until April called~ I wonder if she'd pummle him into a pulp, or simply give him an earful.. well, at least he'r call cleared that Mike wasn't lying, that, just as Leo had said, he 'withhold information' from dear ole dad~

now, I wonder how those two will survive; will Splinter be thinking of a way to get their tails for this? *nasty grin*
6/3/2006 c28 1Doppleganger33
Haha! I love it the way they were able to squeak by punishments in this one. You so love making Splinter angry and you so love getting the boys in trouble. So...they've all gotten into trouble (Leo's gotten more than his fair share), it makes me wonder when it'll be Raph's turn again. The guy has been uncharacteristically good and it's about time. :P
5/23/2006 c27 Doppleganger33
Nice work on the perspective, it's always tricking switching from one perspective Mikey's to that of Splinter and Leonardo. I really felt the palpable fear Mikey felt from facing off with the rats and then the Rat King. You never see him much do you? He's always part of the shadows commanding his rats from afar. Very nice work.
5/22/2006 c27 32lost-katana
Love the disclaimer!

Hmm... first shadow: Leo? I think that last one was Splinter.

Oh boy. I hope Mikey'll be okay.

Awesome job, Cynlee! Hope you update soon!
5/22/2006 c27 8Almath3a
wow..finally caught up on this story..(was a few chapter behind...)and while reading the last one i kept thinking mike go back, you are going to get in trouble! ..splinter followed him and one of the other turtles? i wonder who? and no i am not going to guess..i always end up being wrong anyways..

good story!

hope you find time to update soon!
5/20/2006 c27 mikeyismyhero
aw, come on! we need more! lol. great chapter, as always. i was craving some good tmnt action today, and this did the trick. thanks!
5/20/2006 c27 53Jessiy Landroz
Leo and Splinter, thought so! XD aww, cheer up, Leo! at least you're not alon in this anymore! Your tail is still intact, and instead of Raph, you've got Mikey! and instead of bumping heads, you'll just try to resist the urge to strangle him! Good luck~ and don't let Don/Raph say "I told you so!" and don't forget to trash all of Don's popcorn stash, too...

now, I'm guessing Splinter is worried, cause the presence of the 'ghost' affected him, right?

I liked the fact that you took the factory scene from "I, Monster" and portraied it, I pretty much forgot all about that episode! and I can recall the weird laugh, with thet hallow clickity/howl-sound, too, F.R.E.A.K.Y.!
5/20/2006 c27 8Kunoichi Nazena
Great! A new chapter! But Splinter didn´t notice that he has been followed? I´m sure, he just wanted not to loose the time it would need to send Leo Back...
5/12/2006 c26 Nothingtoseehere123456789
tsk, tsk, Mikey, he sure seems to have a knack for getting himself into trouble as usual. I just hope he won't get into something too much,

what am I saying, of course he will

Very good chapter, per usual :-)
5/8/2006 c26 32lost-katana
Oh... you're gonna do something to Mikey, aren't you?

I wonder, shall Victor be making another appearance in the next chapter? I can't wait to see!

Good job! Please update soon!
5/8/2006 c26 RAPHAELFAN02
Leo just keeps digging a deeper hole for himself with Splinter. Maybe the feeling that Leo is getting about Mikey will actually aide him in his punishment. Or maybe Splinter will give him a day off his punishment if his assumption is right. But we won't know whats going on until next chapter, so hopefully your still feeling inspired and we'll get another quickie chapter XD.

I enjoyed this chapter as well as last chapter, I especially enjoyed the part with Raph telling what happened with Leo and Splinter (sorry had to throw that in cuz I liked how you ended it like that) but with this chapter, I liked that it focused on whats going on through out the rest of the story, with the other parties involved, but you also threw in the ending part with the guys, and Mikey going to find out if his ghost is real or not. I just hope that this confrontation between Mikey and Victor end better then the last one did.

Great job with this story and hoping for an update soon.
5/7/2006 c26 becky99
wow. this is the first tmnt story i've read in ages, and it was totally worth it. i just read the entire story in one sitting, and i wish there were more! i love mikey so much. i think you've got everyone down perfectly... except maybe leo. he's kind of out of character. and, he's really starting to annoy me, lol. apart from that, your writing style is AWESOME! seriously, very well written and great story-line

i really hope you update soon! i'll be waiting! lol :)
5/7/2006 c26 1Doppleganger33
Something tells me Karai isn't happy because she causing dissent in the turtles but for other reasons...

Interesting chapter as always. Baxter is such a ham. Acting like that, not very professional but definitely intriguing. And you actually made him to have depth feeling actually (if just a tiny big sympathy for Baker).
5/7/2006 c26 53Jessiy Landroz
Leo, you're risking your tail over this, aren't you? You're in enough trouble as it is! stop getting yourself in even more trouble! Gees! what ever happened to that leveled head of yours? I thought you were the smart one!

No, scratch that, if he was the smart one, he wouldt have used his head! and right about now, he reminds me of the time he and Raph snuck out of the lair to by milk! does that ring a bell, or is it just me? xD
5/7/2006 c25 Nothingtoseehere123456789
Well another wonderful chapter comes to a close.

I have to admit that though that Leo isn't completely incorrect there, Splinter IS treating him like he's still on the deadbed. Of course Leo isn't making his case better by constantly disobeying, and I do agree that he should have been punished for his carelessness. But Splinter might want to start being careful, I can see that he is slightly starting to be blinded by the 'father' side of himself. He might acceidentally push Leo away rather than do any good. Leo is just that kind of personality that the harder you jerk at the leash, the harder he will try to break it. Leo might actually start believing that Splinter has rejected him, they are on a very sensitive ground now in their relationship.

But I'm not critisising, just over-analysing ;-) but it was a good chapter and it looks like Mikey is heading for trouble as well.

Oh dear, I'll be waiting eagerly for the next update.
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