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for Harry Potter and the Interpretations of Fate

1/2/2023 c13 mumphie
You just had to leave it at a cliffie, and then not post again! It's been a few years short of a decade since you last posted. I assume you finished Uni and started you career, marriage?, family? All of which make no room for writing for fanfiction. I do hope that someday you remember this little tale and figure out what you wanted for the middle and end! It's an interesting idea to have two Harrys at one time. I do hope you planned for a better ending than what he got, or what canon had. Good to see a 'good guy' Dumbles, and not an evil one. Hope all is well with you, dear author. Happy New Year! :)
1/2/2023 c9 mumphie
Not really an issue, your take on this world after all, but Millicent Bagnold was Minister of Magic in the 80s.
1/2/2023 c8 mumphie
I surely hope you get them going to gather the horcruxes before old Moldy does. Don't know how he could get the one Malfoy has, or how they could get the one in Grimmauld Place before Sirius get out. I do hope the Goblins have a way to transfer the soul out of objects, so young Harry won't be stuck with his.
1/2/2023 c6 mumphie
I really wish the Fates idea of fair wasn't sending ole Voldy back too. I think it would be hard enough for Harry to get things done, and adding this to it makes it seem impossible for good to win.
10/7/2022 c8 Ultach
Sorry to complain but your constant misuse of words like 'LOOSE' is really grating.
Every single time you have written 'LOOSE' you should have written 'LOSE'. I recommend the Oxford English Dictionary to look up the meanings of each word.
Likewise the misuse of the three different spellings and usages of '2'. (Sorry for using the numeral.)
TO for verbs, e.g. to move, to die, to run. to check a dictionary...
TOO for comparatives, too many, too little, too poor, too few dictionary checks.
TWO for numbers (2) e.g. two friends, two enemies etc.

Also OF; as in relating to - Of my relations, of your books, of course, etc.
OFF refers to separation e.g. An island off the coast, fall off a table, lop off one's finger, etc.

Yeah, grammar freak thanks to having had a teacher as my mom! It does make for easier reading when I'm not wincing at every sentence...
Good story though, thanks.
3/12/2022 c2 Eragon135790
dropped, the reaction of harry(child) was extremely unrealistic, the who are you sir was ok but after that... harry acted extremely stupid as well and cat lady s reaction was unrealistic as well if she is truly gonna keep harry knowing a secret not to mention that most conversation s sounded fake.
3/12/2022 c1 Eragon135790
with the changes you made to the prophecy there are even more possible interpretations and the fates are stupid, valance could be even with both alive , hope there won't crop up more mistakes than already did
12/5/2018 c13 2lkdaswani
Please update soon! I can't wait to read more!
11/22/2018 c13 ReDEAR
I know it’s been about a decade since you last updated, but this is a good story and a pretty good cliffhanger. Please please please continue this story.
4/23/2018 c4 10Avalonemyst
Very much enjoy this. It's better than S'Tarkens future past!
2/8/2017 c13 3Nocturnal Storyteller
I wish you'd update
10/7/2014 c13 6Jestrbob
Nice. You have avoided the first pit fall of rewound stories. Having. The bad guy travel back with the good guy

6 years?
3/22/2014 c13 1Kittens Kat
2/8/2014 c13 3d1x1lady
Such an awesome story! Love where this is going.
11/8/2013 c13 Taeh
oeps.. Remus shouldn't have done that, he new that Harry would react in a way to defand himself but with pure magic? wow hè! he's strong! Hope Remus is not too much hurt.
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