Just In
for Harry Potter and the Interpretations of Fate

3/30/2007 c10 3Olfrik
Your Harry is far to friendly and carefree for a 40 year old war veteran. The inteaction of the two is more like teenage buddies then a 40 year old with an eleven year old. The younger one is good, but the older one should be more forcefull, he's got too much patience and treats the smaller one like an equal, wich he is not.
3/15/2007 c10 Tiny Whisper
Wicked story!

Can't wait to read more!
3/11/2007 c10 Merrymow
I was wondering when you're going to update.
3/10/2007 c10 Sam White
Hey, your story is really great and I can't wait to read more.

In what house will Harry be sorted. I can only guess that you may make him a Slytherin, but please even if you do so let him still be friends with Ron and Hermione and it would be great if Neville was a good friend as well.

Hope you update soon.
2/22/2007 c10 Rachley
MORE! brilliant!
2/11/2007 c10 morriganscrow
I love a good "Harry gets a second chance" fic, and this one is excellent.

I will be following this to see what you do with it, and have added you to my favorites and alert lists.

Please update again soon.

PS: It's the Daily "Prophet", not "Profit".
2/7/2007 c10 mrsfwolf
interesting story. I'd love to read more
2/4/2007 c10 Crazym0i
nice story. pls continue to update. your update speed is astounding. but at least you did not abandon this story. pls continue. =)
1/26/2007 c10 23Regaime Seishi
O.O i need...more. please. i love it. *exasperated sigh* i can't wait for an update! it's just so good!
1/26/2007 c9 Regaime Seishi
i loved Dumbledore's reaction. and i LOVE how the older Harry is exponentially more mischivous than his younger self. lol. a very amusing, awesome chapter. T.T only one left...
1/26/2007 c8 Regaime Seishi
there was a lot of conversation in this chapter. i like the names of the House Elves; they're cute. *sighs* i want Harry to get to school...this fic is going a little to slow for my patience. although i suppose that's good; the more anxious i am, or whatnot, the better your story is i guess is what it means. anyways, off to read more!
1/26/2007 c7 Regaime Seishi
an estate? kickass. i didn't realize Harry was so rich. a very amusing chapter, what with Remus's reaction. hehe, i love it, once again.
1/26/2007 c6 Regaime Seishi
ack! oh no! must read more! *flips out*

i love it!
1/26/2007 c5 Regaime Seishi
a snake? fricken awesome. i like her name. god, so much happened in this ch. i gotta think. the whole scene at gringots was mindblowing. i'd venture to guess you're somewhat educated about what you wrote about. at least that's what it seems like. everything was very convincing. i love it!
1/26/2007 c4 Regaime Seishi
loved the wand scene. and also the scene with Uncle Vernan and Aunt Petunia. lol loved their reactions. i can't help wondering what their reactions would be if they overheard 2 harry's talking to eachother. cuz the other's voice must be lower and more ragged, obviously. also, can't wait for Sirius to be sprung. i'm weary about what's going to happen with the Philosopher's stone tho...
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