Just In
for Harry Potter and the Interpretations of Fate

6/16/2006 c8 cokeboi
excellent chapter, i can't wait to see fudge try to explain things.
6/16/2006 c7 cokeboi
great chapter.
6/16/2006 c6 cokeboi
well, i guess if you didn't bring voldemort back the story would be too short and pretty cliche.
6/16/2006 c5 cokeboi
excellent chapter, it's good to know that snape and malfoy won't be getting off that easily. ^^
6/16/2006 c4 cokeboi
excellent chapter.
6/16/2006 c3 cokeboi
great chapter.
6/16/2006 c2 cokeboi
good work so far.
6/16/2006 c1 cokeboi
it'll be interesting to see how your stary compares to S'TarKan's, no pressure or anything. ^^
6/15/2006 c8 28Silver-Entrantress-Elf
Wow! I love this! Please update it soon! Pretty please? I can't wait to see what happens next!
6/13/2006 c8 6Caliko
Aak! evil place to end... lol. I had just got caught up in the story.. then, bam... I gotta wait for the next chappie. Good work! ~Caliko
6/11/2006 c8 6Lansar1
great can't wait for more!
6/11/2006 c8 32Hahukum Konn

Another good chapter :)
6/10/2006 c8 1Raven Wolf1313
Good Job

Harry Needs to be in Gryffindor or he won't fit in

with his friends.

Rock on
6/10/2006 c8 2master of random disaster
this ff is so cute! two harry potters in one: giving advice to eachother, talking to eachother, and stuff! it just strikes me as cute. the logic for how to get sirius' lack of trial out in the open was really original, too, as far as I'm concerned. never heard it before, and it looks like things are going to get interesting! update soon!
6/10/2006 c8 HappyReader1
What a great twis on the time travel. Keep writing.
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