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for Harry Potter and the Interpretations of Fate

8/23/2013 c6 Guest
it makes things stupid good luck changing anything when someone already knows about it
10/27/2012 c13 Guest
This is a good fic, Too bad it isn't finished :(
10/5/2012 c13 50potatoes
This has been a really good story so far but you haven't updated for years so I'm guessing it's abandoned. I love how you've got the whole 2 Harrys thing going on. And you don't have Harry going "I'm not going in slytherin because they're all evil" but just going to go wherever the sorting hat puts him. I'm curious as to what house you were going to put him in though. I don't really mind with Harry either way.
8/14/2012 c13 InNeedOfAnUpdate
4/26/2012 c13 7Riniko22
Let's hope Voldemort does not go after Harry's friends before they can reach the school and are somewhat protected. I think Harry is making a mistake in waiting to go after the Horcruxes that he could get to with help. Voldemort is at his weakest currently compared to Harry, specialty if you count in help such as Remus. Also it was a mistake for him to think that fate would not have sent Voldemort back too, they did make a big deal of the equal chance when they talked to him. Looking forward to more when you are ready to continue.
11/1/2011 c4 7Draeconin
I know it's been a few years since you've done anything with this story, and you've likely learned a lot since then, but just in case... You wrote, "Common, yeh'll see." The contraction for 'come on' is c'mon. But word and punctuation errors aside, I'm very much enjoying this story.
1/18/2011 c13 raven spotter
What a great story, can't wait for the next installment.
1/1/2011 c13 A Midsummer Night's Dreams
Reading this kinds of fics are always interesting, though yours was the first with Harry meeting and conspiring with his older self that I've read.Few wrong grammar here and there but nonetheless it was alright.I've been entertained at knowing that this time around it's different since both Potter and Voldy are sent back.Too bad you haven't updated for almost 2 years now.
11/6/2010 c13 31monbade
more please, like the twist in the time line

4/9/2010 c8 purrfus
Totally unique, well written. I'm adding this to my favorites list now.
4/9/2010 c5 purrfus
Delightfully sneaky devious fun.

The interaction at the bank, and the second shopping trip were just great.
4/9/2010 c4 purrfus
Fantastic wand scene - very different and well done. The shopping trip was good to, bits of differences without going off the deep end.

I really like the way you've chosen to have both sides or personalities active.
4/9/2010 c3 purrfus
Nice mix and match of original and canon.
4/9/2010 c2 purrfus
Mrs. Figg, so easy to be whatever you want. But not reporting back to Dumbledore right away...intriguing choice.

Its still hard to believe that kids in England wear those uniforms - and we make fun of the Wizarding World's fashion sense.
4/9/2010 c1 purrfus
Time shift stories can be very good. So far this looks like it will be. The conversations are nicely put together.
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