Just In
for Harry Potter and the Interpretations of Fate

1/18/2010 c1 SpringCherryBlossom
(O,O) ...Geez, I don't know about that Fate! It make life sound like a GAME! LOL!
10/20/2009 c13 7Ciroth
Awesome story line so far. Try to update soon.
9/11/2009 c13 PsykoJinx
Ah! Since 08! lol please hurry with the next... many! :D
8/29/2009 c13 12sarcastic melody
I like it! Please update son :S
8/23/2009 c13 11goldacharmed
Wow, this is a really great story. I cant wait to read more. I have two questions. Is the two Harry's ever going to become one permanently? How did Voldemort come back with Harry? I hope you update soon. Later dude.
8/23/2009 c13 PennyLane1967
love it!


8/10/2009 c13 Cassandra30
Yes! I hope you come back to work on this story soon.
8/10/2009 c12 Cassandra30
Ouchies! Whoohoo! The old dog is free!
8/10/2009 c11 Cassandra30
8/10/2009 c10 Cassandra30
Ack! Snakeface is going after the Dursleys.
8/10/2009 c9 Cassandra30
I might add that Pettigrew is at the Weasleys. It would be a simple matter to pay a call and identify the rat.
8/10/2009 c8 Cassandra30
I just hope Voldy doesn't go around attacking anybody yet. Excellent! Can you imagine those poor house elves and that portrait in the previous time line?
8/10/2009 c7 Cassandra30
Sweet! Super chapter! :)
8/10/2009 c6 Cassandra30
Ack! Not good that Moldy shorts came back too.
8/10/2009 c5 Cassandra30
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