Just In
for Harry Potter and the Interpretations of Fate

12/14/2007 c12 Merrymow
I was wondering when you're going to update?
12/7/2007 c12 1Long Live Nelly
You really have to update! This story is so gripping, so fascinating, so original. I really want to know what happens, please update it! I shall go mad if I don't find out more!
11/18/2007 c12 The Viscountess
this is a brilliant version of this storyline, i cant wait to see harry at hogworts. update soon
11/14/2007 c12 chalicity
AH SO COOL! this is so well-written and exciting! i love the fact that not only was harry sent back with memories intact, but voldemort too, making the game a whole new battlefield since both know what to change for their favor and, being familiar with the other, how the other tends to think/fight. oh my gosh, how exciting! i really can't wait to read more! XD
11/11/2007 c12 manicfish
more please :) I really enjoy your story
11/8/2007 c12 2Anitajane
Just found your story it is very good I love the way the two Harrys interact.
11/5/2007 c12 1Ms. Moleca
I really like how you have the two souls interact with eachother, rather than the older harry completely over riding the younger harry. Keep up the good work.
11/4/2007 c12 Greysh
very nice. I hope that you update soon.
10/27/2007 c12 winoniel
Wow, you have really upped the ante! It is becoming really exciting, and I am fascinated by how you will develop the relationship of Dumbles and Harry, as well as have them begin to track down Voldie.

Bood work!
10/26/2007 c12 princesasenorita
someone had to throw the first punch. voldemort 1, harry, 0. well, he still has some time i suppose. yay, sirius is free. then again, harry has no idea where all the horcruxes are now. keep up the good work!
10/26/2007 c12 40hanjuuluver
Would it be safe for me to look foward to a Sirius/Remus pairing? They're so perfect for eachother! the Tonks/Remus JK put in book 7 pissed me off...

But I love how you handled this chapter and the little twisty bit you put in at the end. I'm so glad you updated again! It's such a uniquie idea! I love it!
10/26/2007 c12

Update soon!

I can't wait to see Harry's chat with Dumbledore..

Could you make it in the next chapter.

10/25/2007 c12 18Shadewolf7
Wow. Very well done. Please keep going!
10/24/2007 c12 jbfritz
10/24/2007 c12 phoebe turner
WOW! i can't wait for the next chapter!
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