Just In
for Always the Same

11/23/2010 c1 Mrs squeeelz
Soooo cute!
1/14/2006 c1 1Anakah
Did I miss something? Like perhaps a story? The summary intrigued me cuz I like it when SS is happy. But this can't be the end, it seems like a mere prologue. Please write more and develop Snape and his "girlfriend" :)
1/2/2006 c1 Dear Me
so where is the rest of it, who is she how did Sev allow her to help him and i don't think she takes shit from anyone so why was he eyes downcast and both Siri and James were a bit OCC well if u include that Sev hes let her help him then ur not a very Sevvy-person, but i congratulate your courage of taking such a step and wonder...can i have tha bat? if not then what will u call him? oh yah, hope u get better Dis. cause over the 250 other fanfictions out there i don't think ur boss will allow u a rain cheque!


12/31/2005 c1 3Viskii
It *was* cute. I enjoyed it a lot, and would honestly like to see it stretched out some- still a one-shot, but give Adam some characterization and a few more details to really bring out it's life. I like your take on "what happened after OTP 'worst memory' ended"- very original.

-Viskii :)
12/31/2005 c1 Snickle-Gigger
Pretty good, though it was also a little rushed.

My only criticism is James and Sirius beating her up-I mean, I am well aware of the fact that James and Sirius were both sometimes bullies at Hogwarts, but even if this girl punched them, I don't know if they'd do the same. I'm a hater of stereotypes myself (I'm a girl, and also everyone calls me "goth" even though I'm NOT, so that makes me a little angry) and so the whole "boys don't hit girls" thing always annoyed me-but it's something that some people do, nevertheless, stand by.

Other than that, this was pretty good. Decently well-written, and I don't think I spotted any spelling or grammar mistakes.

And yes...I suppose I was a little amused about James getting punched. ^.~

Good job!

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