Just In
for Generations

7/1/2008 c1 14nequam-tenshi
This story is bittersweet.


Laughter, and


All of them can relate to one word: bitter.

Because there is a reason to cry your heart out, to laugh when your happy or when things are at its worst, and smile just because.
3/14/2007 c1 gabyhyatt
good fic
4/22/2006 c1 29Rain Sky
This is definitely a great oneshot. I don't think the story would have gone very far after that, but the way you wrote, cutting it off where you did, was great.
1/3/2006 c1 3White Eternity
i really really like your story! I've always liked txt stories (esp L-chans "Shadows") and they are so rare! Please, if you can, write a sequel to this story with the greatgrandfather meeting fujitaka?
1/3/2006 c1 35Baka Deshis
that's so nice^^
1/2/2006 c1 87incense-whiskers
Beautiful. My first ToyaxTomoyo fic, and I loved it. Excellent job reuniting the families, retelling history, so sad but w/ a happy ending.

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