7/1/2008 c1
This story is bittersweet.
Laughter, and
All of them can relate to one word: bitter.
Because there is a reason to cry your heart out, to laugh when your happy or when things are at its worst, and smile just because.

This story is bittersweet.
Laughter, and
All of them can relate to one word: bitter.
Because there is a reason to cry your heart out, to laugh when your happy or when things are at its worst, and smile just because.
4/22/2006 c1
29Rain Sky
This is definitely a great oneshot. I don't think the story would have gone very far after that, but the way you wrote, cutting it off where you did, was great.

This is definitely a great oneshot. I don't think the story would have gone very far after that, but the way you wrote, cutting it off where you did, was great.
1/3/2006 c1
3White Eternity
i really really like your story! I've always liked txt stories (esp L-chans "Shadows") and they are so rare! Please, if you can, write a sequel to this story with the greatgrandfather meeting fujitaka?

i really really like your story! I've always liked txt stories (esp L-chans "Shadows") and they are so rare! Please, if you can, write a sequel to this story with the greatgrandfather meeting fujitaka?
1/2/2006 c1
Beautiful. My first ToyaxTomoyo fic, and I loved it. Excellent job reuniting the families, retelling history, so sad but w/ a happy ending.

Beautiful. My first ToyaxTomoyo fic, and I loved it. Excellent job reuniting the families, retelling history, so sad but w/ a happy ending.