Just In
for Doing it all again

5/21/2022 c6 Cwhit930
Thanks for this short story. Enjoyed it
8/15/2021 c6 56EdTheBeast
Not really caring for this. It needed to be the rest.
11/7/2019 c6 agentplanty1
I liked the summary more than the story, like all three of them in a do over could be powerful, but with his wealth and time magic it was good to end it where you did.
3/3/2019 c6 8HarryPotterFangirl85
Well, this was an interesting concept, but it sucked that the last chapter was basically a duplicate of the previous chapter with only a little extra. I would have been more interested in the story after the actual time travel, rather than the sarcastic synopsis that was actually written.
12/14/2015 c6 LtsHrIt4ThBoyz
Not too bad and it didn't come across as too terribly infantile. I liked it. Now, I'm going to go see if you ever followed up on it.
7/20/2015 c4 1lilyjen09
I have to say this sounded like an interesting story, but there are a lot of spelling and grammar errors that make it jarring to read.
5/6/2015 c1 1zuphie
It reminds me a bit of J.D. Salinger's style, actually.
I also really like the idea of these three going back in time. I don't think I've ever seen that before. And with the style you chose, the ending sentence works really well.
2/21/2014 c5 kariza2013
please write a sequel I liked this story.
11/29/2013 c6 kariza2013
hey write a sequel please really like it!
7/10/2013 c6 Mari Wollsch
intresting story, will you make more or do a do-over fic xxxxxx
5/30/2013 c6 1mageofmyth
I really liked this story. If you do a sequel I would love to read it.
4/29/2013 c6 ConfusedLove
What happens next
1/20/2013 c6 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon
9/26/2012 c6 Kyotaroro
The ending? so pro, man! Just telling 'bout traveling not what happens. Deserves a pat on the back for that one.
2/21/2012 c1 6Primus2021
Nice Intro, HarryMione Please!

Reaaly Been lookin' for sum'in like this.
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