Just In
for Doing it all again

12/31/2011 c6 SaphyrSnape
How rude! i was waiting for the next chapter and i realised that there is none. then i figured there might be a sequel but there is no sequel. should continue the story it sounds like it is going to be awsome. Sorry for venting but i got really into the story and it sounds like the best part is yet to come.
12/17/2011 c6 Anariel Phoenix Blade
Good story. I am interested in discovering what happens next. Please either update or write a sequel.
12/12/2011 c2 You are a bitch
Okay, you are a bitch. Lily Potter did not have her wand with her when Voldemort came in asshole, it sas so in the books. James Potter didn't have his wand either, bitch. You are a bitch for calling her that, also a slut, cock-sucker, loser, jackass, asshole,and pussy. (Sarcastically) No offense or anything.
12/12/2011 c2 Rachel
You know what's funny about when Harry was born in this story? I was born in 1981 at 11:58 PM on August 1st, EXACTLY a day after Harry's b-day. My Dad's name is THOMAS JAMES - and My mom's is Marie Cassandra Evans-_
10/16/2011 c4 angeldust48
the only problem with the story is it is told from a first person point of veiw which is making it sound weird any other veiw would work better.
7/12/2011 c6 Anber
Please update this soon it cant possibly be complete!
5/4/2011 c5 Diannika
this whole story is a wonderful prologue...altho if i were you id make this a 'prologue-fic' and have the 'main-fic' 3rd person...but im not you and im not in your mind lol maybe 1st person works better for you -shrug-
5/4/2011 c1 Diannika
3/25/2011 c5 Ruddy know it all
10 days without sleep kills... you'll be insane long before that.. much less two weeks
3/25/2011 c5 that one guy. you know who
red mean memories connected to that event or persons, blue means information associated with that person- ie the blue from Snape means potions or occulmelcy information as well as information on where I went to school and stuff if you know it., green means feelings associated with that person, and if you find any ^look here^ yellow strands their false memories and visions ^look here^. Purple strands mean true visions and ^look here^Orange strands mean knowledge ^look here^.

I had sorted out most of my memories, now I was left with a bunch of orange lines connected to red strands. Remembering what Magic had said about the colors, ^look here^ orange meaning false memories or visions ^look here^ and red meaning normal memories I touched the first orange strand I came to and was pulled into a memory of me and gin talking on the couch in front of the Gryffindor common room fire.

careful careful the more your story match's up with itself the better it is, mistakes so close to each other really mess things up... otherwise good story of what I've read so far :)
10/5/2010 c6 25Basill
Hehehehe. Severs Vernon right getting shot in the foot.
8/26/2010 c6 Kya Yamiko

i really like this story, are you going to continue it?

its really addicting i couldnt stop reading it, i really hope u continue to write more of the story cause its really good

i dont think its childish at all, quite inginuis actually :D

Kya Yamiko
8/9/2010 c1 JaxieRose
Oo, love it! 3 Please tell us what happens now! :)
3/4/2010 c6 5aalens
Well, that was a good prologue! LOL.

I hope there is going to be the story of what happened when they went back.

Thanks for a good afternoon's read.
3/3/2010 c2 aalens
Great start. I am prejudiced perhaps, because I love stories told in the first person. It makes it all sound real. Anyway, I am very keen to read on.

BTW there were a couple of typos, however the only ones I remember at the moment are these two; 'the raider of Voldermort' That should be 'the radar of Voldemort', i.e 'raider' s/be 'radar' and 'Voldermort' s/be 'Voldemort'.
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