Just In
for Doing it all again

9/11/2009 c6 3E.V.I.T
Do you plan on writing a seuqel? Please say you do. I really like the originality...but i don't like the open ending...Please write more.
9/10/2009 c6 Elbee the Hedgehog
brill hope theres an upd8 soon!
8/11/2009 c6 28TeaSpices
I'm glad you at least had some harm done to the *#^@%&#&! Can't wait for the next chapter.
3/31/2009 c6 4FanFictionAddict13
this story is marked as complete... but it's not done
2/21/2009 c6 1ReflectionsOfReality
I would not really say that this story was juvenile more that it is almost like everything in it is merely a prologue and the main story has not even been started.

Now that Harry has met two anthropomorphic beings Time and Magic he really needs to meet the rest of them like Death, Fate, Luck and Justice. What is there is interesting but then again it is not something all that new. Personally I wonder how close to cannon can you keep the story while making it truly different.

Any chance you might decide to continue it?

1/31/2009 c6 5Global Conquest-er
Seriously? That's it?

Well, I liked the premise . . . it was all pretty cool.

Thanks for at least this much ... and for actually finishing it. When most authors hate a story they just quit and dont actually give some semblance of an ending. I respect you for that. Your comment about this fic's juvenillity (sp?) though, well, I dont quite get it. This fic is good, and, depending on the audience it is perfect. I really hope that you find some time to write a sequel if you dont hate it too much. You could even write it in a different voice or something. But seriously, I really like the premise for this fic. You seem to have some pretty good ideas for this stuff. I am definately checking out your profile.

1/7/2009 c6 Anonymous
O.k. by far this story is one of the most interesting I've read. Its original with the whole petunia being nice thing. I personally enjoy this change. It's a new perspective that I want to see more of. It's very difficult to find original stories like this one. If you know any similar stories(someone supposedly bad who is secretly good) could you let me know in either your profile or in the next chapters' author's note. It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
12/10/2008 c6 24witowsmp
I hope you do continue this story. I'd love to see what happened.
10/5/2008 c6 Ann
So when do we get the story about what happened next?

Oh, and the first half of chapter six seems to be chapter five.
7/13/2008 c6 4uzumaki misaki
puh-lease tell me there's a sequel to this...this was really good.
7/13/2008 c6 23Audacia's Quill
Update this soon please,I adore this story...its so unique! I have'nt seen one quite like this one so please continue it and update as soon as you can.
6/4/2008 c6 hpfananita
Good story, I enjoyed reading it so far. Am adding it to my C2, please update soon
5/26/2008 c6 MotherBear
gAH!What happens next? don't stop there, please?
5/24/2008 c6 Meera
I notice this story has a status of complete. It doesn't seem to be to me. And don't be so hard on yourself, I don't think it's "juvenile" compared to a lot of the trash on here. The sardonic tone and plot line is something different. Just one niggling little thing - you sometimes get mixed up with pronouns, using he/him/his instead of I/me/my.
5/24/2008 c5 AiSard
..this chapter was kind of a downer.. the chapters before I really liked, I liked you writing style and the fact that Petunia and Dudley would be on Harry's side was interesting.

The whole thing with 'Magic' was...irksome at best... and it kinda went downhill from there -.- what with the Goblins (which wasnt actually that bad, what was was) Lily's trunk i think, and then Lady Time but by then I was already disillusioned and accepting of the fact that perhaps the fic wasnt really going to go in the direction I wanted it and looked to be getting (atleast in my opinion) in the wrong direction..

Still, prior to this chappy I thought both the plot and the writing was good so yea? writing wasn't perfect but interesting enough with its quirks that it was quite a good read.
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