Just In
for Strategic Retreat

10/30/2022 c4 Veronica McClure
Isn't Harry and going to think of the Goblin Healers for the binding removal.?
8/2/2022 c4 hunzbookwyrm
Great story so far are you still working on it?
7/22/2021 c4 Guest
Why doesn't he simply go to goblin healers or something for bindings or even dwarves.
6/14/2020 c4 wadeemily77
600000 the pathetic Even in Texas around the stories time line My mother almost got the numbers for 50,000,000.
11/11/2019 c4 dragons9
Please update this...i cant wait for the next chapter this is good...hopefully this hasnt been abandoned...i just found it.
8/31/2018 c4 Guest
Please continue this. I love it
10/25/2009 c4 Smilley76
I love this story, it is so unique. This is one of those stories you spend hours looking for. Please finish writing it.
1/14/2009 c4 honore
I like your story and storyline, andI would love to know how things turned out for Harry. But your last update was'06 should I even hope-not. Anyway for this bit, Thanks
8/26/2008 c4 3Puldoh
interesting. it started out perfectly, enough to draw me in. are you going to update? i would love to know what happens next, expecially dumbledore. is he the one binding harry! lemme know
5/11/2007 c4 Memory King
It is a shame that this seems to be abandoned, there are not terribly many GoF and OoTP AUs around. This start was quite promising.
10/31/2006 c4 5aisling iontas
this is brilliant, a great take on the independant harry stories
10/26/2006 c4 Twin Tails Speed
Too bad you abandoned this story.
10/21/2006 c4 fightingstoryaddiction
Again I would like to state that I so love this please continue writting "Strategic Retreat" its one of my favorites and I am dieing to read more! please update with chapter 5 soon!
10/21/2006 c3 fightingstoryaddiction
I so love this please continue writting "Strategic Retreat" its one of my favorites and I am dieing to read more! please update soon!
6/20/2006 c4 34Anime Monster
Nice spell, can't wait to see what Harry does for his thousand days. Around three years he's going to be in that trunk, is he going to age?
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