Just In
for working title formerlyGood Girls Don't Cry

11/27/2007 c8 7Rider Arya Svit-kona
omg I love it! It's fifth year right? They got together seventh year, though. Oh well that's why they call if fan"fiction" not faction. lol I can't wait to see what happens!

11/22/2007 c8 8LILYandJAMESareCUTE
Aw! Love the story, continue! Update soon!
11/21/2007 c8 offramp
Good chapters. I can understand how James thinks girls are confusing. Please update soon!
9/27/2007 c6 rowanHOODofTheROWANwood
hehehe goldfish update!
9/17/2007 c6 1obobob20
More! =] It Rocks! =D x
9/17/2007 c6 10disneydork

did that just happen?
9/15/2007 c6 offramp
Awesome chapter! They finally kissed! Yay! FINALLY! Great chapter, update soon!
9/6/2007 c5 offramp
Good chapter. There were a few typos, but still really good. I like the whole idea of the race. Update soon!
8/28/2007 c4 offramp
Yet again, you outdid yourself! Amazing chapter. Please update as soon as you can!
8/27/2007 c4 disneydork
you's gots to update!
8/27/2007 c3 1PoseidonzStory
i rly like how this story is shaping up!and i was never a fan of the mauraders! keep it up =]
8/21/2007 c3 o.ORaVeNcLaW.bUbBlEsO.o
AMAZING! loved it! i cant wait for the next chappie!:)


8/21/2007 c3 offramp
Great Chapter! That's just like James isn't it? Pretending it's a prank he planned for a laugh! Please update soon!
8/17/2007 c2 offramp
This was a good chapter. I had to re-read the first one to remember what was going on. Please update soon!
8/16/2007 c2 7PurpleMyste
oh sounds exciting...
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