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4/30/2006 c8 6gundamseedluver
4/30/2006 c8 32Kazumi Kairi or Kairi-chan
COOL CHAP! Poor Athrun he is still surprised and shocked that all of his clothes were dyed pink... guys were horried on pink, huh? I wonder what would Athrun look like if he wears it? Hm...

Update soon! XD
4/30/2006 c8 DELETE THIS i dont use ff now
cool chap update soon sorry cant say much gotta go out update soon

oo i think me and my friends are going in la senza love there pjs and other stuff lol
4/30/2006 c8 2Tsukiko Hitsugaya
I like this story! I'll be a fan from now on!
4/30/2006 c8 2sanzo-reload
Nice one. Very funny. Never thought Cagalli would actually dye Athrun's cloth pink. That must've been funny if it really happen in the anime. Good job. Keep updating,.
4/30/2006 c8 7SacredBlade
Few spelling mistakes but heck who doesnt make them, lol good chapter! update again when you get the chance ok!
4/30/2006 c8 chocoholicxX
Yay! you updated...

Though this chapter doesn't have much stuff... it's till nice xD... Imagine Athrun in PINK

though I do see ALOT of guys wear pink from where I am staying... Maybe it won't be that bad...
4/30/2006 c8 13daisukiasu'n'caga
oh, nice chapter!

muffin? lol, i didn't expect that cagalli would say that, lol!

update soon! me want to read more!
4/20/2006 c7 3ZalasDinoPants
OMG!Mirri caught Cags red-handed.Oh oh.Cags Whatever u do...just run away from Mirri and Dearka!
4/16/2006 c7 DeletedAccountID
My, my Milly saw them! Cag has alot explaining to do! Update!
4/16/2006 c7 evilbrownie
Hahaha... you used pink ^^
4/16/2006 c7 8Moonlit Despair
hahah this is so funny! I love this story so much!
4/16/2006 c7 32Kazumi Kairi or Kairi-chan
Oh~ Love this chappie. ^^

Looks like Athrun will never ask Cagalli for help ever again... She made all his shirts... or clothes into pink... that must be pretty horrid for a guy like him...

Keep it up! XD
4/16/2006 c7 DELETE THIS i dont use ff now
loved the chap update soon

memoires of a geisha good film tres sad but sweet im reading the book at this minute the movie seems alot nicer than the book.
4/15/2006 c7 13daisukiasu'n'caga
Lol, this is getting good...

update soon!
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