8/27/2007 c18 sonic10235
ROFLOL! that was funny. so are u still writing this story? if ya then plz put something like athrun accedently findin out about the plan and helps cagalli or something like that. ^.^
ROFLOL! that was funny. so are u still writing this story? if ya then plz put something like athrun accedently findin out about the plan and helps cagalli or something like that. ^.^
8/21/2007 c18 shiloah18
"..CagaLLi as she and her two best friends, MiLLy, Shiho, and Lacus, " uhh.. you wrote two.. isn't it supposed to be thrEe?
crosS waLk? how about the pedestrian Lane? X-ing? (that's crosS-ing) ^^
what's 21? pididLe? and HaLo? gomen.. kinda cLueLesS here.. *bLushes* ^_-
that wouLd be suteki.. *grins* Athrun taking of his cLothes infront of CagaLLi in the car, ne? *bLushes, then starts to giggLe* XD
ei! pink's not bad! nowadays, hot men wear pink! I mean, it's rare to see a guy LoOk goOd in pink.. so if one does.. he must be steaming hot! *rofL* besides, have you sEen the AsuCaga pic wherein Athrun's wearing a PINK shirt and a white poLo? kawaii deshou! XD
"dang it!"? isn't that supposed to be d*mn it? ^_^ just askin'..
lol Kira spew the juice he was drinking at Athrun's face? *Lmao*
and Athrun just watched whiLe the twins were Like running aLL over the pLace? and Kira just had to go straight to the waLL! oh man! *faLLs over Laughing* what a uLtimate coOrdinator he is! XD
‘Wow,’ he thought, ‘she’s pretty without a dress on, but with one she’s beautifuL’ what the.. what d'you mean Athrun by "withOUT a dresS on?" *grins* have you seen her withOUT one? hmm? *smugs*
lol they stiLL act Like they're on a secret misSion.. Athrun atLeast.. *giggLes* why is it Like I heard that Line from HSM before? I mean, with Corbin BLue and that friend of VanesSa Ann Hudgens.. :)
yeah! FaLLout Boy! you rock! XD
Itrip, ne? haven't heard of that one.. demo, it sounds suteki! :
now, now girLs.. why don't you ask Dearka who the heLL that creEpy guy was? I mean, it was his party, ne? isn't he supposed to know who are attending to it? *quirks an eye brow* hmm?
suteki! in this fic.. Kira admits that he's the younger twin.. lol ;)
lol "Don’t worry; no Kira’s were harmed in the making of this story!" your A/N is Like from the game caLLed "HangarOo".. *giggLes* ;
owkei.. so it ain't Athrun who's being that so caLLed "secret admirer" hmm.. I wonder who it is.. xure hope it ain't Yuna! ewW.. bLech! _
nyWeiZ, suteki deshou fic! ^.~
P.S. if you're an AsuCaga fan.. I encourage you to view this URL:
if that doesn’t work..
try checking out “Pacific Blue’s” profiLe
she has a Link for it there
yeah, I know it sounds siLLy..
who knows?
it might actuaLLy work..
jaa ne!
btw, I gotta question for you..
"why?" *cLutches her gut, starts to Laugh her head oFf, faLLs over (stiLL Laughing) and starts to rofL* ;3
"..CagaLLi as she and her two best friends, MiLLy, Shiho, and Lacus, " uhh.. you wrote two.. isn't it supposed to be thrEe?
crosS waLk? how about the pedestrian Lane? X-ing? (that's crosS-ing) ^^
what's 21? pididLe? and HaLo? gomen.. kinda cLueLesS here.. *bLushes* ^_-
that wouLd be suteki.. *grins* Athrun taking of his cLothes infront of CagaLLi in the car, ne? *bLushes, then starts to giggLe* XD
ei! pink's not bad! nowadays, hot men wear pink! I mean, it's rare to see a guy LoOk goOd in pink.. so if one does.. he must be steaming hot! *rofL* besides, have you sEen the AsuCaga pic wherein Athrun's wearing a PINK shirt and a white poLo? kawaii deshou! XD
"dang it!"? isn't that supposed to be d*mn it? ^_^ just askin'..
lol Kira spew the juice he was drinking at Athrun's face? *Lmao*
and Athrun just watched whiLe the twins were Like running aLL over the pLace? and Kira just had to go straight to the waLL! oh man! *faLLs over Laughing* what a uLtimate coOrdinator he is! XD
‘Wow,’ he thought, ‘she’s pretty without a dress on, but with one she’s beautifuL’ what the.. what d'you mean Athrun by "withOUT a dresS on?" *grins* have you seen her withOUT one? hmm? *smugs*
lol they stiLL act Like they're on a secret misSion.. Athrun atLeast.. *giggLes* why is it Like I heard that Line from HSM before? I mean, with Corbin BLue and that friend of VanesSa Ann Hudgens.. :)
yeah! FaLLout Boy! you rock! XD
Itrip, ne? haven't heard of that one.. demo, it sounds suteki! :
now, now girLs.. why don't you ask Dearka who the heLL that creEpy guy was? I mean, it was his party, ne? isn't he supposed to know who are attending to it? *quirks an eye brow* hmm?
suteki! in this fic.. Kira admits that he's the younger twin.. lol ;)
lol "Don’t worry; no Kira’s were harmed in the making of this story!" your A/N is Like from the game caLLed "HangarOo".. *giggLes* ;
owkei.. so it ain't Athrun who's being that so caLLed "secret admirer" hmm.. I wonder who it is.. xure hope it ain't Yuna! ewW.. bLech! _
nyWeiZ, suteki deshou fic! ^.~
P.S. if you're an AsuCaga fan.. I encourage you to view this URL:
if that doesn’t work..
try checking out “Pacific Blue’s” profiLe
she has a Link for it there
yeah, I know it sounds siLLy..
who knows?
it might actuaLLy work..
jaa ne!
btw, I gotta question for you..
"why?" *cLutches her gut, starts to Laugh her head oFf, faLLs over (stiLL Laughing) and starts to rofL* ;3
7/27/2007 c1 5mishakokoro
Hey i love this story but i forget what chapter i was on so i have to read it all again *sob sob* on the other hand it is a really good story so i might like read it again!
Hey i love this story but i forget what chapter i was on so i have to read it all again *sob sob* on the other hand it is a really good story so i might like read it again!
6/30/2007 c18 The Meta
o.0 Kira! lol. Poor Kira... Well, thanks for the update! I can't wait to see who this... insane psychopath is... lol
o.0 Kira! lol. Poor Kira... Well, thanks for the update! I can't wait to see who this... insane psychopath is... lol
6/29/2007 c18 8Hades.Throne.Heiress
From the descriptions from the story Athrun doesn't sound that...wealthy... i always thought of him as better than average, like a good paying part time job or full time with parent support if he was still in school. guess not so much here.
update soon =]
From the descriptions from the story Athrun doesn't sound that...wealthy... i always thought of him as better than average, like a good paying part time job or full time with parent support if he was still in school. guess not so much here.
update soon =]
6/29/2007 c18 32Kazumi Kairi or Kairi-chan
YEY! THIS CHAPTER ROCKS! Man I really laughed at this chapter. Kira screamed like a little girl in early morning! AHahahaa... I'd like to see his impression. ^^
UPDATE SOON! I can't wait for Cagalli and Athrun's date! :3
YEY! THIS CHAPTER ROCKS! Man I really laughed at this chapter. Kira screamed like a little girl in early morning! AHahahaa... I'd like to see his impression. ^^
UPDATE SOON! I can't wait for Cagalli and Athrun's date! :3
6/29/2007 c18 9Kween Of Roses
dude i live in calgary! sweet! eiher way luv the story please update sooner!
dude i live in calgary! sweet! eiher way luv the story please update sooner!
6/28/2007 c18 3xoxoanimeluber
very interesting chapter.
It was short, but funny and good :D
Well glad exams are over for you!
Oh and can't wait till the next update ^^
very interesting chapter.
It was short, but funny and good :D
Well glad exams are over for you!
Oh and can't wait till the next update ^^