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6/9/2006 c13 2sanzo-reload
Kawaii! Athrun likes to act like secret agent? That's so cute... Keep writing.. You rocks!
6/9/2006 c13 The Meta
i figured kira woud've put up a better fight then that. but it was funny still
6/9/2006 c13 26DataIntegrationThoughtEntity
Nah, it wasn't bad, it was great. LOL, the Cagalli kill Kira scene was hilarious.

6/7/2006 c12 1paranoid-asucaga-fangirl
really great story, i wonder who's sending her the creepy emails, have to say, if someone were sending me those emails...i would be pretty freaked out myself.

anyways update soon
6/7/2006 c11 aizuhime
LoL...Kira should be an actor...he'd probably win an academy award...:P...maybe something like an anime academy award...:P
6/3/2006 c5 15StarShine SoBright
I read the 5th chapter and had to review. It was so funny! I burst out laughing at the emo song and I laughed so hard I was crying for the its gettin hot in her! I loved this chapter! Now i need to go back and read the rest! ^-^
6/1/2006 c12 163fi-pina3
aww that hurtss... well anyways.. probably by the time you've read thins, you're at that lake already so how was ur trip?

I really liked the chapters so far in your story! ^_^
6/1/2006 c12 The Meta
ok... have fun!
6/1/2006 c9 The Meta
Could this be that Yuuna guy? the purple haired freak?its just my second thought. my first was athrun
5/31/2006 c12 4MyouseiSeed
aww darn.. i wanted to read more.. please update soon! AxC rocks
5/31/2006 c11 MyouseiSeed
ahh.. no.. whats gonna happen next?
5/31/2006 c10 MyouseiSeed
darn.. ahh! whats gonna happen! hehe AxC rocks!
5/31/2006 c9 MyouseiSeed
so whos that guy! AxC rocks!
5/31/2006 c8 MyouseiSeed
nice :p axc rocks
5/31/2006 c7 MyouseiSeed
darn they got caught oh well! AxC rocks
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