Just In
for The Diary of Christine Daae

1/17/2019 c11 17Angel of Mystery-145
This was wonderful- but surely this isn't the end of their story? I must know more! lol The whole ring wrapped in white/grey/black paper felt like foreshadowing, and Erik's mysterious mission has to be revealed...I know you said in your profile that you wrote a sequel- do you plan to finish it? I would love to read it, but don't want to find myself at a terrible stopping point (a cliffie) that is never resolved.
Will you finish? Yes? :)
(And if the answer is in the negative, what must I do to entice you to do so?) lol
1/17/2019 c4 Angel of Mystery-145
Love this so far! ...returning to retrieve the ring. Ha! How the mind does make excuses for the whispers of the heart... ;-)
9/22/2018 c11 82Starwatcher2018
This is a lovely story. So very difficult to write in first person. I am always happy when Christine finds her heart and her love and Erik is redeemed.

It only took me 12 years to find this story. Happy for you to have a review even at this late date.
9/22/2018 c2 Starwatcher2018
Raoul being Raoul.
9/22/2018 c1 Starwatcher2018
About time I read your work, you have been so gracious commenting on mine.

I did not see the film, but like your Christine. Raoul, bless him, is Raoul.

Love this so far.
8/10/2018 c11 Guest
Excuse me while I try to get a hold of my emotions... I cannot help but wonder if this is your explanation for the last scene of the movie, in which Raoul sees the ring with a red rose on Christine's grave... which I find it very sad and beautiful. Thank you for this story.
1/9/2017 c11 2Lucyole
Really amazing and beautiful. IT Made My hear flutter dnd sigh in happiness I so hope there is a sequel to it.
9/15/2014 c11 Guest
good story finally she admits the truth

wish i were her

please continue on with more of the sttry
6/27/2013 c1 1Kirida
Please continue. Wonderful.
8/16/2012 c3 AnnaBeth
I love the way you write! I'm kinda hooked on this story... I loved the "sometimes(to my shame) unclothed" part it made me laugh
8/12/2009 c11 5DraculasSpawn
This is very good. I am glad you didn't finish it. I really want to know where Erik went?...
4/26/2009 c11 13Wandering-Recluse
A excellent story! Me being the ExC shipper I am loved it. The ending left me a bit empty though. But, I digress! Anyway, I'm glad that you didn't bash Raoul in this story and kept him decent. I had phics that make Raoul a drunk abuser, I love Erik, but please, Raoul deserves better than that!

Not much more I can say I'm afraid, I'm too overwhelmed for now

Keep writing!

4/26/2009 c6 Wandering-Recluse
This is really rare for me, usually I review at the last chapter of the story and then if it gets updated from there I'll review those chapters. But I do believe that this chapter deserves a special place in my heart.

Usually I love AU phics and don't really read ones that happen after the opera house fire (ironic huh? I'm writing one too...) But I decided to read this story because it perked my interest. But there's one thing that's been bothering me. Christine gave Erik back his ring-not Raoul's. Just thought I'd mention that...

Anyway, I loved this chapter especially the beginning. When I read that part where she sees him I imagine him the robes he wears in Stranger Than You dreampt it-in the stage play. And must say that that line cracked me up




Ha ha, hilarious! I tried not to laugh, it's 3:00 am and I'm on the floor while my best friend is sleeping on my bed and I really don't like waking her up...

You'll hear from me soon!

1/2/2009 c11 1Animekitty47
Huh, well that's certianly one of the odder endings I've read. *pokes story* Kinda abrupt. What are the odds of a sequel? *puppy dog eyes*
1/2/2009 c7 Animekitty47
Like I said, this story is very good. The "This was no game for him, either. Neither of us had the least idea what we were doing. If I’d been sheltered emotionally, he’d been stunted. Our interactions were the blind leading the blind." bit is like the perfect desciption of...the story line?...their fatal flaw?...something along those lines. XP
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