Just In
for Three Small Words

3/9/2012 c1 laughsmilex3
:') So sweet
2/24/2007 c1 successinthemaking
aww.. such a sweet little fic! i absolutely fell in love with the story. Great work!
7/20/2006 c1 4ChermaineisAwesome
Aw that was adorable
3/8/2006 c1 why do i even bother
I can't believe i even bothered in reading this fic if you can call it a fic.
2/11/2006 c1 37EternalOphelia
Wow, I really thought I wasn't going to like this when I started it. I thought you were going to have Hermione tell him she loved him when nothing really happened between them, when they hadn't dated or anything. But, as I read, I found that I did like it and I'm glad I kept reading. Amazing job :)

2/11/2006 c1 KaylaKML
Ah, so refreshing from all the death angst that seems to be up lately lol. Loved it, it truly was perfect.

XD Good Job.
2/11/2006 c1 12silkyblackboxers
aw... absolutely love the ending! great job! :D
2/9/2006 c1 spiritedwings
ok, you might not have like the story...I loved it, a little too sweet, but (sigh) sometimes you need a sugar shot...LOL
2/9/2006 c1 Cathy-Gisela
OMG that was so good! and i even felt butterflies in my stomach! it was so cute! plz post abnother one soon! it was sio good! and i hope Hermione tells Draco about the kid asap! well like i said U ROCK!

2/9/2006 c1 marajade64
Very good and sweet:)
2/9/2006 c1 3mnemosynesque
Aww. Very well written, and very cute.

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