Just In
for A New Life

4/3/2006 c7 gilmoregirlslover81591
I LOVE HTIS STORY! its one of my favs!
4/3/2006 c7 5I've Got A Secret
4/1/2006 c6 11CarebearKara
Great fic. I love it.
3/27/2006 c6 2Callista Wolfwood
3/25/2006 c6 11KeitaWolf
HAHA! I loved this

“You better have left the car!” Finn growled.

hehe, So true!


Update soon!
3/24/2006 c6 Nicole
Amazing chapter. I love all the friends interaction as well as the Rory/Tristan stuff. Great job!

3/20/2006 c6 Buffycoo999
You HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE to continue. Please Please add more Finn being over protective of Rory.
3/19/2006 c6 itsyouicantdeny
ah! i was laughing the entire time! i love it ! u r and awesome writer!plz write more!
3/19/2006 c6 INACTIVEACCOUNT243095
it was sort've boring, typical, and lacked detail. there wasn't any real emotion from any of the characters and i could read about the same sort of date from atleast 10 other ffs =\
3/19/2006 c6 glamourgirl33
very cute! It is a really fun story keep it up!
3/19/2006 c6 2just hidden
oh, good boys. nicely scattered waiting for their friend to get back from his date. so sweet. amazing job. can't wait to see more.
3/19/2006 c6 Tonje
LOL, this story is so cool. I love the twist in this one! Lorelai and Finn Senior? ROTFLMFAO!

But its a Trory and no one loves a Trory like I do!

Update soon
3/19/2006 c6 2Alenor
lol, this is a great story. i love it so far, cya later.
3/19/2006 c6 4lackinglime123
it was a good chapter please update soon
3/18/2006 c6 riotgirllina
super cute date

update soon!
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