Just In
for The Immortal

10/5/2006 c4 3FromMyBackyard
Such torment!

Here's hoping they can work this out together.
9/7/2006 c4 Literarian Lady
Bravisimo! Truely this was an excellent chapter, I read it with rapt attention. I recently lost my internet connection for a few weeks, so just getting it back to find this story updated was a wonderful surprise.

I look forward to your future chapters, I love how this is going so far.

8/27/2006 c4 Soul Taker Kina
wrute more write more! I need to know what happens...This is great love it love it love it... write write write

kk love kina
8/27/2006 c2 Soul Taker Kina
hey hey Love the story and you have a great writing sense and everything... well just wanted to complent you on it... big fan so far...

8/24/2006 c4 2Lady Galriee
Nice job. I have never read this type of Labyrinth fic before. I can't wait til your next update.
8/24/2006 c4 AlliumChristophii
Wonderful, I need to read more! Update, update!
8/24/2006 c4 PICTUREHOUSE
oh no. why do you hafta leave it there. please update soon.
8/24/2006 c4 Law and Order SVU fanatic
plz plz plz ypdate soon plz
8/16/2006 c1 6Aofie
I just thought that i would let people know that i havn't abandoned this story, i am just focusing on its structure at the moment... once this is done, i plan to have a new chapter out each week. So stay tuned!
8/15/2006 c3 Literarian Lady
I like this story so far, you have a unique take on it. For one you've made Jareth human and not a fae, and placed focus on his gloves and not his amulet. It's different, and I really like how it's going. I hope you update this soon. There are so few Labyrinth fics if you compare it to some other fan bases like Harry Potter and the like, so when I do find a good one, I like to see it finished. And your's is certainly a good one.

5/15/2006 c3 2Katy16
4/17/2006 c3 Law and Order SVU fanatic
update soon i want to know wht happends next plzplz plzplz
3/5/2006 c3 12Jjah-Jjah
Alright. This story has an original plotline and it makes me happy. Please update soon!
3/5/2006 c3 3FromMyBackyard
So...Jareth is human. What a faker.

And Hoggle - as usual - isn't being much help.

Sarah's got some sleuthing to do.
3/4/2006 c3 Tiraspy
This is fun...keep writing
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