Just In
for Dream Works

10/25/2014 c4 7JackFrost-300-TrueFrost
your an awesome writer keep writing this story like rewrite it and make sam like able to control plants like she gets ghost powers after she is released from undergrowth!
11/24/2012 c1 6fanficfantasies
I'm sorry but, "Ghost trouble..."? Is there anything more... wait... what did he instantly know? Oh it's the gho- ok, never mind.
7/23/2009 c20 58Donteatacowman
Hah, great job. A few pronouns were confused, on the grammar side of things, but good plot.

Danny had an idea that would not only let him escape, but not get Dora in trouble. He told Dora and she hesitantly agreed. It was time to break free.

Is it bad that I expected a Fake-Out Make-Out? xD
1/18/2009 c20 Guest
i really don't know how to describe the ending...i kinda wish that there was no soul fusion...just pure 18 years old danny that has every single memory in him...haiz
7/1/2008 c20 8Yuna421
Hi Jasmin! It's me your sister! This is a great story!
2/4/2008 c20 10Stopwatch-To-Oblivion
Yes! Clockwork saves the day! I love this! I stayed up late to finish reading it! There's a sequel? I gotta find it! This was good! Especially the Black Ecotplasm stuff, that sounds so cool.
1/26/2008 c1 Black Topaz Dragon
These seems like an intresting ficit. XD Yeah, that's right, I made it a word.

*runs off to read the rest of the chapters*
10/19/2007 c2 12livinglife
"Tucker's trust in Danny may have taken the blunt of the force."

I like that line a lot. Just thought I'd tell you before I read the rest of this story. ^^
8/27/2007 c20 nikitchi-tan
great story! keep up the EXCELLENT work
8/13/2007 c20 14Aquawyrm
The black ectoplasm isn't all gone, is it? Somehow, I think that stuff is tenacious enough to stay with a soul through just about anything...

Great story, though. I love your work.
3/13/2007 c20 44snoopykid
good job.
2/11/2007 c20 creativesm75
1/19/2007 c20 3The Obsessive Pirate
Good. Not great, but still good. It was a bit confusing a bit dry, but you got your point across. My only real complaint was that it was WAY too short. I can live with the ending, but it was too short. All in all though, I had a fun time reading it.

~Sammy Rey~
1/10/2007 c20 Plushiemon
Yay last chapter~!

Loved it, too.

And -gasp-

You totally left it open for a sequel!

1/9/2007 c20 3Tyxon Strife
O.K. cool that was nice I liked it and want to read a sequa; if there is one.

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