Just In
for Harry Potter Solitaire

9/10 c1 Guest
Hello, fellow pedos!

I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman and I’m 61 years old. I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032 and my email is ginabar at gmail dot com.

I’m a pedophile, I worship Satan, I eat poop and drink pee, I like it in the vagina and anal, I love long and extensive black penises, I rape children and animals and kidnap to satisfy my lust, I have AIDS and I infect people for fun.

Please send me lots of kiddie porn!

12/18/2013 c1 10The Directer
Oh, my freakin' Gosh, that was beautiful! PLEASE do more!
3/24/2013 c1 Rise
1/2/2013 c1 21ShakespeareIsMyMuse
I sat there the entire time scratching my head and saying: "What?" ...oh and did I mention I was LMAO? Because I so was xD
7/28/2011 c1 ISpyAnApplePie
um, okay
6/24/2011 c1 Crimson Rubies
This was hilarious! :D

That's all I can say, really.

Great job. :)
11/14/2009 c1 Yolen Yui
BWAHAHAHHAHAHAA! Oh great, you DID start a new ship! Maybe, probably not cause I don't get the impression Solitaire Fiction is the most popular
12/26/2007 c1 10LobstarMonstar
OMG so funny! i actually laughed out loud while reading this, and i NEVER 'lol' at fanfics!
7/10/2007 c1 That Guy From That Place
Well, this is certainly the crossover no one has been expecting.
4/3/2007 c1 Not a flame just the truth
Congratulations, you have mutilated litterature.
2/15/2007 c1 6Tamouri
that was was funny! U shpild read my story if u like random! Random Mythology folks!
11/18/2006 c1 15bluekiwibubble
Are you sure you're quite alright?
11/12/2006 c1 cowbell
It's fics like these that make me want to reach for the bleeprin and pour it in my eyes.
10/8/2006 c1 Katie

If this wasn't labelled 'Humor/Parody' I wouldn't even know I was supposed to find it funny. Now I know I'm supposed to find it funny, but how strange; I still don't.

So... Kinda missed your mark there, honey. This is just crap, actually.

Parody's only funny if you manage to keep the characters how they are and guess what? YOU DIDN'T.

8/17/2006 c1 Httw
and hear i was thinking, "how the hell could anyone possibly write something even remotely good in the 'Solitare' section?"

well, i have to say, if this isn't at least "good" then its sure funny as hell!

*chesire cat grins*
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