Just In
for The Fun with Harry and Ron Reader

2/22/2012 c4 8cholericnorth
Holy goddess of hats, Batman! It's been eight years since this fic got updated!

Please please PLEASE continue this! Or maybe let me take over? I'm going to go see if you have any more stories.
9/11/2011 c4 7Queen of the Skye
Oh god oh god oh god SO FUNNY! I literally could not stop smiling the entire time! I wish to all that is good and holy in this world you had not given up on this story! It is HILARIOUS!
10/29/2010 c4 Qwicka
You are eternally epic for having written this. I've never read a better 'in a nutshell'/parody fic before - it's brilliant, discontinued or not.
5/11/2009 c4 6GNatGirl13
please update! I know the summary says this story has died but you still have time to finish it before the movies are done! This is really funny and just the thing to read instead of studying for my finals tomorrow! Please update!

one thing, you left out Flur and Krum. they impart important information later (or were they part of the sub-plots that were cut out?)
3/18/2008 c4 3Slytherins Kick ASS
See SKA.

See SKA decide she wants this to be her career.

You're not that good, SKA. You're not that good.
3/18/2008 c2 Slytherins Kick ASS
See SKA.

See SKA not realize that there was more than one chapter until she went back to reread the first.

Stupid, SKA. Stupid.
3/18/2008 c4 1chavon13
"See Cedric be properly introduced so we can start liking him before he's brutally and tragically ki- never mind." Brilliant
3/18/2008 c3 chavon13
They keep getting better and better! "See the shiny.See the shiny beat up the dementors." That was hilarimous!
3/18/2008 c2 chavon13
3/18/2008 c1 chavon13
OMG. This has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read! "You're dead,unicorn, you're dead" Major thumbs up buckaroo!
3/16/2008 c1 3Slytherins Kick ASS
See boyamiconfuzed.

See boyamiconfuzed be the coolest person ever.

Be loved, boyamiconfuzed. Be loved.
1/29/2008 c4 1snigglesaurus
I laugh all the way through each chapter, no matter how many times I read them.

You really are brilliant!

Please, update with Book 5 as soon as possible!

11/20/2007 c4 Lizzy
This is an amazing idea! I can't stop giggling. Please update.
8/28/2007 c4 74Tierfal
I am so, so, so, so glad that I helped compel you to write this, because it was friggin' AMAZING.

Thank you for very much enrichening my day. :D
8/28/2007 c4 9X'andirth

I really love this

It makes me laugh so much!

Thanks for uploading the next part!

Can't wait to see what you do with the next book!

Enrichening is a good word - i like it.

I may have to ninja it and use it


Nice job!

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