Just In
for Living in the Shadows Adopted

6/8/2023 c9 Guest
when will the next chapter be posted?
6/4/2017 c7 TheGemNara
Ya fucked up Lilibithch Ya fucked up
6/4/2017 c6 TheGemNara
Looks like a Lilibitch and Asshole James
7/6/2016 c2 4GotNoName123
I always loved Remus and Hated James in these Fics
2/18/2014 c5 5Monki-Neko
i like the basic storyline but it definitely needs a bit more polish
7/29/2013 c5 Guest
Flame, flame, flame.
5/1/2013 c8 Guest
I think your story is really good. But I'd like to bring up the fact that Roman Catholic's sabbath is on a Sunday not a Wednesday other then that I'm finding your story a really enjoyable read :) and I hope you update soon
11/25/2012 c9 1wingedangel791
Wait so Lily is mad and jealous of Remus... but wasn't she in the kitchen when James blow-up on Remus and basically said that he never wanted Harry? I mean if she loves her child then she should take care of him... but she didn't because she was scared of him... if so I don't' think that she deserves to be his mother!

Anyways good story! Keep updating! i would suggest you say something about where they are when you do a scene change or something...
10/21/2012 c1 Guest
You adopted Anti-thule's story.
3/29/2012 c6 dragonrider1254
Dude in that chapter it sounded like they were geting married. Did u mean for it to sound like that
3/3/2012 c9 sanbeegoldiewhitey
I guess this story needs to be adopted again.
3/1/2012 c9 Shannon the Original
update soon
9/7/2011 c5 Siladhiel Lithvirax
CRITICISM ALERT (if you do not like criticism then only read 1st and 3rd paragraph.)

Your story is great, really the ideas and originality are awesome and extremely original. I commend you on your ingenuity

Your story idea is actually very good. I believe you simply need to flesh out your settings and characters a bit more, add in actions, mystery, details like what exactly it felt like to be finally leaving the Potter house, How bad Harry felt that they neglected him and shut him up in his own cell for 10 years. What are the emotions going through his mind as his Dad confronts Lupin and why does James all of a sudden blow up when there were no previous context for which he had motive to confront Lupin?

these are just questions I ask you to help you better improve your writing and I really hope you take them to heart and do not get offended.

5/13/2011 c9 Dangerous Redhead
3/31/2011 c9 yelle
It's a good story with a good plot, but I would watch out with spelling. And your use of 'i' when someone in the story is refering to themselves. Other that that, good job!
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