Just In
for Golden Summer

7/24/2011 c10 6KlaineGirlWantingToBeAWeasley
Holy cheese...I swear I am loving you people! My parents walked in on my cracking up at the funny part throughout the story and said I was a freak. xDD
12/3/2006 c9 29YuniX-2
wait... whos pineapple and who's the quaffle? or what is the quaffle rather? I figured out everyone else at least. XD. Good story BTW. Quite hilarious.
12/3/2006 c7 YuniX-2
The Weird Sisters! Shakespeare reference, lolz! (we are reading MacBeth in English right now. XD)
8/22/2006 c10 3FancyNewWeasley
“Oi, Ron!” shouted someone from the crowd; someone with a voice that sounded suspiciously like Draco Malfoy’s, “Hurry up and kiss her you fool!”


brilliant ending to a brilliant story!
8/22/2006 c10 2rheartsu
Oh my gosh! This was such a good chapter. I could go on and on and on about ho wgreat it was but i'll just say my favorite parts...1) ginny and harry running around the common room like idiots and then neville saying they are two of a kind and ginny blaming her craziness on pms! hahaha

2) "hurry up and kiss her you fool"
8/22/2006 c10 4PunkPygmiePuff
That "money" song is creepy! er well anyway I really enjoyed that chapter and pretty much your entire fic so far...

But I probibly will all the way Keep Writing!


ps. If you like bo-bobo read Don Patch and the standerdized test!
8/22/2006 c10 2ballerinadoll9
good ending, i was looking forward to the ball but this is a much better ending! kudos! excellent!
8/4/2006 c9 3FancyNewWeasley
:) :)

so funny!
8/4/2006 c9 2rheartsu
WOO HOO! Ron is finally going to ask Hermoine out... or at least to the ball. Another great chapter! Update soon.
8/4/2006 c9 1b.dixx
excellent chapter! You better make ron and hermione get together or else! haha George gay who would have thought it! I think thats cool! Cant wait till next chapter! Update quickly!
8/4/2006 c9 2ballerinadoll9
er...i see where cedric fits in now, i always thot he looked fruity-lol-so far so good, update soon!
7/24/2006 c8 ballerinadoll9
so far so good! absolutley cool but i think luna is in ravenclaw and cedric died but at this point it is so good, i go "who really cares?" keep up the good work, i can't wait to see what happens next!
7/22/2006 c8 3thatgirl0303
. oh jeeze. that has got to be one of the funniest stories i have EVER read. you are my hero, or would be if i knew you.
7/22/2006 c8 3FancyNewWeasley
question: what the heck was going on with hermione and ginny? what were they doing?
7/22/2006 c7 FancyNewWeasley
:) :)

i dont know why but i found myself laughing out loud at these two quotes:

It chose to wander down a path that she had been trying to avoid for hm…about four years.

In fact, he had caught her staring at him a bit more than usual. Another couple of years and he might finally be able to tell her how he felt.

I jut found them so funny!

So goofy. Its great!
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