9/4/2006 c1
17CapriceAnn Hedican-Kocur
oh this is a really great idea! ! ! I hope that you post more of this soon! ! !

oh this is a really great idea! ! ! I hope that you post more of this soon! ! !
4/30/2006 c1 Ellen
HAHAH! CHRISTINE, I do believe you have outsone yourself! Absolutely BRILLIANT! PRIDE AND PREDJUDICE, YAY! I love Jane Austen. A fabulous touch!
HAHAH! CHRISTINE, I do believe you have outsone yourself! Absolutely BRILLIANT! PRIDE AND PREDJUDICE, YAY! I love Jane Austen. A fabulous touch!
4/30/2006 c1
11Mrs. H Potter
This was really good! I can't wait to find out what happens next. It does seem like maybe something like that would happen to make Petunia stop talking to Lilly. Keep up the good work and update soon!

This was really good! I can't wait to find out what happens next. It does seem like maybe something like that would happen to make Petunia stop talking to Lilly. Keep up the good work and update soon!
4/25/2006 c1 Digital-Damita
LOve it you have to cont :)
I always like the idea of those too and I don't think she could of been that bad at the start :)
LOve it you have to cont :)
I always like the idea of those too and I don't think she could of been that bad at the start :)
4/24/2006 c1
i really, really, really like this story so far so please update soon. i especially like the Sirius/Petunia relationship, you don't see many of those and find stories with that paring pretty entertaining.

i really, really, really like this story so far so please update soon. i especially like the Sirius/Petunia relationship, you don't see many of those and find stories with that paring pretty entertaining.
4/22/2006 c1 anonymous
i don't think that's drama but your fanfic is really good and that that you should update.
i don't think that's drama but your fanfic is really good and that that you should update.
4/22/2006 c1 rcnomore
*super-flying-tackle* You finally posted it! Oh, I'm so excited, I love it already. ^^ Can't wait for more!
*super-flying-tackle* You finally posted it! Oh, I'm so excited, I love it already. ^^ Can't wait for more!
4/21/2006 c1 liliyjamesmeant2be
i luv it.
is the romance part going 2 be sorta based on petunia and serius or both 'couples'?
o well gotta wait and see i luv ure story tho
i luv it.
is the romance part going 2 be sorta based on petunia and serius or both 'couples'?
o well gotta wait and see i luv ure story tho
4/21/2006 c1 DM-Lover
This is a really interesting plot. I can't wait to see more of the diary entries and find out why Petunia started hating Lilly.
This is a really interesting plot. I can't wait to see more of the diary entries and find out why Petunia started hating Lilly.