Just In
for Addiction

11/9/2006 c3 1chikigurl13
Hey, I like the last part. “Let’s go find The-Boy-With-Too-Many-Bloody-Titles.” That is funni. Keep it coming. you have a great thing going here.

11/2/2006 c1 chikigurl13
it was good
6/7/2006 c3 1Rimrose Swifteye
hey, so i really liked your story, it was insightful realistic and fantastic. i hope you will continue writting cause you are really good at it and if you want to be an author or some thing like that as a hobby or a real job i wish you the best of success.
6/5/2006 c3 cucu4cocopuffs
I really do hope you write another Hermione/Ron fic. You depict their characters perfectly and still manage to add some humor to a morbid situation. Great job!
6/5/2006 c3 11Mrs. H Potter
Wow, that was really good and I could actucally see some of this happening in the real story. I think it ended well and very sweet!

6/5/2006 c3 DM-Lover
Great ending. I absolutely loved the line “Let’s go find The-Boy-With-Too-Many-Bloody-Titles.” It was a great Ron line and good humor after the funeral. I can defintely picture Rupert Grint saying that.
6/4/2006 c3 connieewing
It was sad though and I almost cried but I loved it so cool
6/4/2006 c3 RefinedOrderlySincereElegant
This was great! It's weird, because I read the first chapter a while back and thought I reviewed it but I guess I didn't...I'm glad you added more chapters, it was wonderful! The first chapter was kind-of sad, and the last one was also, but at the same time not...okay, now I'm just rambling on and on without really saying anything so, to actually say something:

First chapter-Clever. Sad. The note from Fred and George was very good!

Second chapter-Again, clever. I like how you wove in parts from the book, that was very well done and made it seem like it all could have really happened that way. The ending made me go "aw!" which doesn't happen a lot, because most things I read that make most people go "aw!" I tend to think are pretty cheesy, but you did this in such away that it could have been cheesy if you weren't a really good writer, but you are, so it didn't seem cheesy at all. (Did you get all that?)

Third chapter-Sad, but the ending makes it a little better. "The-Boy-With-Too-Many-Bloody-Titles" Genius! I loved that!

Long review...probably one of the longest I've ever written...that in itself shows what a great story this is! Bravo!
6/4/2006 c3 dancerrdw
that was cute i liked it a lot
6/1/2006 c2 connieewing
will post the 3rd part...please...please! I really do like this story
5/27/2006 c2 scooterrg
I would love a third part! This was way cute!
5/27/2006 c2 Mrs. H Potter
Please post a third one! PLEASE! I loved this one. So sweet.

5/23/2006 c2 Ellie
Post it. I dare you.
5/22/2006 c2 DrJuliusNo
It was a really nice oneshot, but it makes for a good chapter story too. So, consider this a request for more. Also, on my last review I wrote 'which really happens', and I meant RARELY happens- just so you know I'm not a mumbling idiot.
5/22/2006 c2 shawna
I love it, please update soon!
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