Just In
for It's our Sunshine Cove

8/18/2012 c1 The Amendable Snow Freak
Good job!
8/7/2007 c1 2Cyanide Saruwatari
This is realy sweet!

I love it!
7/7/2006 c1 5The-Ugly-Turtleduckling
You have an amazing writing ability,TaintedWolf! I really enjoyed this story, it was very descriptive and vivid! Also, I liked the fact that you squeezed Momiji's song in here. Overall, a very cute story. Keep writing, you certainly have a talent here! Later,

5/22/2006 c1 11Darksouled Saiyanphoenix
This is a way awesome fic I love it! You are an awesome writer in no way shape or form are u a novice writer you are way too good! Ne wayz lookin forward to more of ur writings!

Mentally Disturbed,

Darksouled Saiyanphoenix
5/22/2006 c1 2Sunshine Cove
You're kidding me. You're kidding me! (Pinches self repeatedly to make sure that is not dreaming) You wrote such a beautiful fan fiction, and dedicated it to me? I'M NOT WORTHY! Lolz, seriously, (that must have sounded cheezy) but you really actually wrote and dedicated a fanfiction... wow, still trying to grasp the fact. It's wonderfully written, and the setting and characters are so perfectly portrayed... Wow. I think I'm going to be saying that a lot. Wow.(see?) Now, excuse me while I print this out and pin it to my bulletin board. THANK YOU! (Tackle glomp) XD

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