4/6/2016 c1 7Vanne-the-bookworm
That was an awesome sonnet! I could most certainly not construct such a poem. ;) Great job!
That was an awesome sonnet! I could most certainly not construct such a poem. ;) Great job!
2/8/2008 c1 2CrazyFangurl8
Hey, not bad! We have to write a Sonnet in my class, too, about 'a tragic experience that cause a transformation' and i was REALLY tempted to write about FMA! Seriously!
Great Job! 4.8/5!
Hey, not bad! We have to write a Sonnet in my class, too, about 'a tragic experience that cause a transformation' and i was REALLY tempted to write about FMA! Seriously!
Great Job! 4.8/5!
1/5/2008 c1 6Radiant Biscuit
Very nice. I'm not good a poetry but I admire the fact you attempted and succeded. I'm curious as to what mark you got on it...
Very nice. I'm not good a poetry but I admire the fact you attempted and succeded. I'm curious as to what mark you got on it...
1/21/2007 c1 9Sesshomaru'sSapphireMaiden
Cool, My sister EMahiru has a sonet for ed not as good as yours though.
Cool, My sister EMahiru has a sonet for ed not as good as yours though.
7/13/2006 c1 43Reanna-Kris-Katelyn
*Claps* it's good! it reminds me of a poem i did for my english teacher "Bluebird on the Windowsill" it's sad and about ed and al, but i like yours more... *Huggles it*
*Claps* it's good! it reminds me of a poem i did for my english teacher "Bluebird on the Windowsill" it's sad and about ed and al, but i like yours more... *Huggles it*
6/3/2006 c1 3MissHanyou
cool, i'm glad to see that i'm not the only one who posts something they've written for English class :) and i'm not the on;y one that uses anime in their assaignments heehee ;)
cool, i'm glad to see that i'm not the only one who posts something they've written for English class :) and i'm not the on;y one that uses anime in their assaignments heehee ;)
6/3/2006 c1 90PawShapedHeart
Well written! I enjoyed it very much! Kudos in the future, fellow author of the anime!
Well written! I enjoyed it very much! Kudos in the future, fellow author of the anime!