8/21/2019 c1 lezbfrenz
I really loved this! Thank you for posting this, this is one of my fave ships!
I really loved this! Thank you for posting this, this is one of my fave ships!
6/26/2014 c1 Guest
6/14/2012 c1 5doomshuriken
I'm feeling remarkably lazy, so please take this series of emoticons as my reaction to this lovely piece of wonder.
:) ... -/- ... :P ... xD ... ;) ... :)
I'm feeling remarkably lazy, so please take this series of emoticons as my reaction to this lovely piece of wonder.
:) ... -/- ... :P ... xD ... ;) ... :)
5/20/2012 c1 Em
Epic! Adorable and hot
Epic! Adorable and hot
3/1/2012 c1 unusedaccount1177
So much love for this, it's going to make me explode. Well maybe not. This was really amazing. You caught their characters perfectly. I loved the way it flowed and the plot was great. Thanks for a great read. Keep writing.
So much love for this, it's going to make me explode. Well maybe not. This was really amazing. You caught their characters perfectly. I loved the way it flowed and the plot was great. Thanks for a great read. Keep writing.
1/1/2012 c1 5That Panda You Know
Awesome! THe more i read i on this site, the more i become a fan of this pairing. This story was definitely a push in the right direction. Nice and well-written :)
Awesome! THe more i read i on this site, the more i become a fan of this pairing. This story was definitely a push in the right direction. Nice and well-written :)
12/18/2010 c1 Fuutaba
That was too cute3 Very well done, I loved how even though Seifer was being all lovey he was still the ass he always is loool.
I'm with you, there needs to be more Seiner, I was shocked there was so little ;w; One of my favorite pairings3Guess I'll just have to reread all the ones here.
That was too cute3 Very well done, I loved how even though Seifer was being all lovey he was still the ass he always is loool.
I'm with you, there needs to be more Seiner, I was shocked there was so little ;w; One of my favorite pairings3Guess I'll just have to reread all the ones here.
12/11/2010 c1 5Memoirs of the Haberdashery
I've had a really late start to this fandom and I really wanted to give this pairing a try. :) I'm so glad I started with this because it was so amazing! This was cute and steamy and I now love this pairing and your writing. ^_^ Thanks so much for writing this ...4 years ago was it? Anyway, have a great night!
I've had a really late start to this fandom and I really wanted to give this pairing a try. :) I'm so glad I started with this because it was so amazing! This was cute and steamy and I now love this pairing and your writing. ^_^ Thanks so much for writing this ...4 years ago was it? Anyway, have a great night!
11/14/2010 c1 snowwinter486
funny, I was half-expecting Hayner to go all, "They're my friends, if I betray them, who am I supposed to go to when you leave me as well?" just to continue the mood.
I think that would've made me cry, on second thought, I'm glad you didn't put it in.
Nice story, the ending was a good touch.
funny, I was half-expecting Hayner to go all, "They're my friends, if I betray them, who am I supposed to go to when you leave me as well?" just to continue the mood.
I think that would've made me cry, on second thought, I'm glad you didn't put it in.
Nice story, the ending was a good touch.