Just In
for It's ok to cry

7/11/2012 c1 21Hima Himura
Please please please make more this is so cute.
2/13/2010 c1 111The Layman
Awe, that's cute. There were many missing parenthases (and for the record, it's "samurai", like "sheep" or "deer") but for the most part it sounded like RuroKen.
6/9/2009 c1 16amber-chick
testing something... please ignore :)
12/13/2007 c1 10LambSam
This is ok, I guess. I think it would have been better if there wasn't any author notes inside the story.
2/25/2007 c1 4Keniichi
aw so sweet, you did a good job with yahiko and kenshin together. dad, and son cool, sort of.
8/17/2006 c1 10YukinaKid
It was really cute ^^ Gave me what I needed. I love it.
8/3/2006 c1 2Neko-Cat-Sama
that was very cute.
6/15/2006 c1 1akisu-san
i see you've managed to upload a fanfic? Yay! i'm just glad my instructions weren't confusing...hopefully...anyways, good job on your fic, i thought it was so cute!
6/13/2006 c1 84DesertRose3000
I think it's good to show Kenshin as a father figure to Yahiko. Indeed, that's how I've always seen him. He kinda sees Yahiko as his adopted son. We see this more after the Kyoto Arc ends. Kenshin and Yahiko's relationship deepens into more of a father/son relationship.

My only criticism is it's generally not a good idea to inject author's notes into the story, as it disrupts the flow.
6/13/2006 c1 3KaoruKamiya307 cute! I love it! You did a good job of staying in character! Tears were starting to form in my eyes at the cuteness! I love Kenshin/Yahiko fics where they are like father/son! A job well done I must say! Continue writing!

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