Just In
for More than soulmates

11/27/2006 c9 13brucas224
loved it please continue
10/13/2006 c9 nrgirl90
please dsya ur updating this story is awsoem and so much more
9/17/2006 c9 shira
Im really liking this story...Im a big Laley fan. As for ideas, maybe you could heat up the relationship or make them fight, or have a pregnancy scare or-...Anyway please continue!
8/14/2006 c9 19cookie-dough
I'm really enjoying this fic, can't wait to see what happens next!
8/3/2006 c9 Allie
8/2/2006 c9 hazbo
happy you updated i think you just need to work up to them getting together
8/1/2006 c9 Mia
It's cool! Your story is great... I'm sure you'll find some inspiration, but maybe there can be a situation who make them apart and they will realise that they need each other and that it's maybe not just two friends who have a accidental baby (I mean a real couple...). I'm sure you'll be great!
8/1/2006 c9 17Mongoose 187
Good chapter liked the way they are acting. Good job
7/8/2006 c8 cutesonia

its so good!i hope youll continue!
7/8/2006 c8 Mongoose 187
Good chapter glad she is staying with Lucas. Good job
6/30/2006 c7 133charbrose
please update this story! it's getting so good! i love lucas and haley fics!
6/29/2006 c7 a
6/29/2006 c7 plainwhitets311
I really enjoyed the last chapter

update again soon
6/29/2006 c7 hazbo
update soon. great story
6/28/2006 c7 17Mongoose 187
Nice chapter glad they are keeping the baby
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