Just In
for Jace

9/18/2011 c4 6TheGuardianofNon-Fiction
I really like it so far plz keep going!
5/15/2011 c4 1cmac101
HEY HEY Just fyi , i really liked your story...if it not to much to ask you to update, then can you PLEASE do prbably dont but hey its worth a try :)
11/29/2009 c4 bigboy3321
i liked it there were some mistakes but realy good
7/20/2009 c4 8FAXfan
12/8/2008 c4 1xxkaylakittyxo
I like this story! Update soon! I wanna read more!
12/22/2007 c4 shortie Bee
Awesome fic so far can't wait for the next chapter!
11/4/2007 c4 booklover81
I am so glad that you started updating this story again. =0)
11/4/2007 c4 dreamer 3097
this is good
11/3/2007 c4 13Girlz-Rule
great new cahpter, update soon:)
9/10/2007 c3 Twlight-Midnight
I LOVE it, Keep writing please!
9/10/2007 c3 Cutechipmunk87
plz hurry its so good if the other people dont review f* them but plz do even if Im the only reviewer
11/28/2006 c3 SilverStorm06
This story's cute, I like it! :D
11/19/2006 c3 2LydiaYuyGortez
keep up the good work
11/17/2006 c3 20Lycan180
I love it! update soon! This is a favorite!
11/8/2006 c3 Has.Been.Deleted
I like your story, update soon!
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