Just In
for Music Box

8/19/2007 c1 4Raining Sunshine
thank you everone...don't fink i'll come up with anther full FF anytime soobn, but still! Tune in!

6/24/2007 c4 1xxxxTheOneAndOnlyxxxx
are you going to keep writing i loved it i aslo loved the fact that yuki wasn't dead if he was i was going to cry i hate when the true love is dead it breaks my heart anyway keep writing
2/24/2007 c4 animeluv12
love your fanfic...hope to see more in the future ^_^
8/5/2006 c1 3Kasumi Sakurai
OK... x_x

If this is a crossover, wrong section. Oh, and Yui is a first name. If you're thinking of Meroko, her first name is supposed to be Yui - and Meroko Yui isn't even her real name.

It's kind of... cheesy.
8/4/2006 c1 11FunkieCookie
Hey! Great start! I just wanted to know one thing though, is this a crossover story? Oh yeah, why is Mitsuki's last name Yui? I kinda got confuzzled there too. Please do continue and update soon!

7/20/2006 c1 1LaVerdict
ok...( wondering...)

Please do update soon!
7/4/2006 c1 1EiriUesugiLover
Hello! I was reading your story and I have to say that its pretty good so far. Please update soon!^^
6/28/2006 c1 2Pinekiss
hey lol ^^ i rly rly like ur story continue it! great beginning =D keep writiing

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