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8/12/2011 c23 justareader.notawriter
I don't quite get it. Didn't Mandy move to Westchester 'cause her dad got transferred from his job?

Then all of a sudden he's in jail.

Then now, he's gonna be transferred to California again?

Anyways, I love, love, love your story! :DDD

I just finished reading it. HAHA! I love it.

And the last part, it actually happened in the real series! HAHA. :)) I got nothing else to say. Except, I LOVED IT! :D

XOXO, Blai
10/13/2010 c23 2obscurci la lumiere
7/3/2009 c19 19freddiebenson
please let this story nawt be a claire/cam! let it be a cam/kristen!
7/3/2009 c6 freddiebenson
great! but about the mandy having lice, you don't get lice when your hair's dirty, the lice make it dirty. people get it accidentally.
12/28/2008 c23 10Relient-Only
eh. the ending isn't so good. but otherwise love the story
12/1/2008 c23 aeropostalelover
OMG GR8 story...but make massie rich again...i dont like the whole poor thing it is making me depressed!
7/12/2008 c23 1shortvolleyballgirl
update soon please!
5/10/2008 c17 4Rabbitstorm
Lemme guess, is it Mandy? I thought that when it said Cam liked someone else.
5/10/2008 c14 Rabbitstorm
That sucks for Claire. Its so sad 'cause Claire probably my favourite PC member.
11/3/2007 c1 123214736574365
great story!
9/14/2007 c2 3XxxBubbleGumPrincessxxX
I love this story and all, but if dylan lost 25 pounds, she'd weigh like, zero.and what's an EW? other than that, Great!
8/7/2007 c1 here. you. see
Hey, I love this story!
7/26/2007 c23 2BlabbyGabby
Hey! This was a really good fic! The only problem I saw in it was on the last chapter, where you said that Kristen and Claire's parents teamed up to steal the company from Massie's dad, is that he wouldn't run out of money in one day. As a CEO he would still have a lot of money left over. Another thing, didn't Kristen's dad get his job back? So wasn't he already rich again? Maybe a little more information on both of these points would refine the chapter.

I really hope you don't take this review the wrong way. I really liked it, I was just pointing out some points that could maybe use a bit more explanation.

It was very good, overall. The plot was strong and you kept it about one thing, you didn't go off on a rant and tell some three-chapter-long story about Massie's cousin in Italy (that's just an example; I don't think she actually has a cousin in Italy). You kept everyone in character and your OC brought something new to the table. Not many people that had moved from Orlando, Florida to Westchester, New York would try to overthrow a group like the Pretty Committee within three days of her arrival.

Great job!
7/11/2007 c1 chanelrocks612
im reviewing like you asked and i already anxious to see what happens !

keep writing and posting :)
5/12/2007 c23 4SmexiiGurl
Awwesome WRITE MORE! PLease doo!

Can`t waitt But WHy is Massie Poor? Im possible ** P S To make it better cud yew make her rich agian Lol make her dad get a better job and them try to steal it but it won`t work rofl.

Its possible!

-Yewr an awesome Writaa

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