Just In
for Truth or dare

1/8/2012 c4 1OneNyantasticWriter
Why do you keep typing 'Sarah!'?

It's a bit odd...
12/11/2011 c3 2FlashClaws
George? Wow, I mean, George? Really? Okay...
9/4/2010 c4 6kittykatkitkat
7/25/2009 c4 15lulu halulu
AWW! Cute!
4/12/2007 c4 dancerrdw
aww that was cute i liked it
8/10/2006 c4 Guest

WOW its so cute. i think this one is my favourite that you've written. Aww i love your dialog, just be careful not to rush the details of the place, and to keep the dialog to the way they talk in jk's books. like er - instead of um and yeah. the dialog is great though:) good job.
7/7/2006 c4 INSANEPRINCE
That story was so sweet it realy made me cry. If you are thinking about writing more seriously let me know


7/5/2006 c1 Micky B
The points of view change unexpectedly, and at some points I can't tell who's talking, other than that, I think that it's a pretty good first chapter.
7/3/2006 c4 hpbooklover127
aww that was cute!

ugh lavender is so... EW.
7/1/2006 c1 Ali3
me again! i loved it! haha and i absolutely love the part where he ditches lavender. she needs to learn that no one likes her!

6/30/2006 c4 5addiedas
that was a very good story...full of conflicts that made it interesting! keep it up
6/30/2006 c4 1Joan Marie Mesi
Aw. So cute. And pissing of Lavendar in the same breath? Bloody amazing. Good work, mate.

Peace and Harmony,

Joey Marie
6/30/2006 c4 connieewing
Aw Finally it is so cute!
6/30/2006 c3 24Noc007
I like this, do continue!

If you have the time, check out my own HP fic =)
6/29/2006 c3 hpbooklover127
mm i like it!

update soon please!
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