Just In
for Chicken Pox

9/18/2015 c1 GuineaLord McPig
New Chapter! I must know more!
4/3/2010 c1 17ManaMcC

If your going to update please do it soon.
1/19/2010 c1 GreenRose58
No! This fic is cute already, and yet so much more potential. It cries out for love. Love I tell you! Please, please, please continue. I would write it for you if you let me! Lol, your notes, my writing, your fixing, it could be done! You haven't done anything to it in almost 4 years and yet the 48 of us reviewers ask for more! ~ Anyway, great job, already love the character interaction and plot. Keep up the great work!
12/28/2009 c1 3Neofeliss
All I can say is that you write the Host club PERFECTLY in character. Hikaru and Kaoru were cracking me up, as was Hunny. "Am I gonna die?" LOL! Cute and innocent! X3
9/24/2009 c1 18Turn Back Now
Cute! This should be an actual episode!
7/25/2009 c1 15Ariana-tan
This chapter's really, really great, but I have a question. You said that when you finished writing it, you would start putting up the chapters. I'm sorry, but when will that be? I want to find out what happens next, because I found this story just over two weeks ago, and I'm not a very patient person. Also, I'll barely be able to go on the Internet when school starts again next month...
7/1/2009 c1 1BabyFishy
Hi! So r u going to continue the story or not? I GOT 2 READ WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!
3/18/2008 c1 3The Paper Dragon
poor Hunny chicken pox are horrible...
12/10/2007 c1 3Little Demon Boy
Why haven't you continued this? It's a good story. Please continue this.
12/10/2007 c1 loretta537
this is going to be so good! i cant wait for you to finish the rest of it. how many members of the host club catch it? how bad will mori's week be. how sick will hunny get, isnt it worse in teenagers and adults? has mori had the chickenpox? how did hunny catch it.

please update soon.
8/3/2007 c1 batdiva101
So cute!
7/28/2007 c1 2TemariOfTheSand92
^.~ Omg~! I absolutely love this story! Its really good~! Please update soon! =D
7/14/2007 c1 3SmashedObsidianSky
*Squeals a Mori X Honey fangirl Squeal* I love it it's cute so far! update quickly ok! 'Who'd wanna sit on babies!' I was laughing so hard at that part!
4/12/2007 c1 23Crystaline-Crimson
I can't give you your drugs, but I can be your lover? ♥

Good fic. n.n
4/4/2007 c1 2toenail
Yes! I command you to update! It's been more than half a year...!
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