Just In
for Reversal of Fortune

5/24/2023 c1 8HarryPotterFangirl85
— I hit send before I was ready—

It is disappointing to swipe to the next chapter, only to see it’s just an author’s note.
5/24/2023 c1 HarryPotterFangirl85

Side note, I think chapter 2 should have been added to the end of chapter 1, as it is disappointing to
3/4/2023 c1 lunaz
This was so good loved the twist at the end.
12/15/2020 c1 AngelousPoofy
12/7/2020 c1 Guest
this was so nice and cute to read I just love the humour thank you for writing this (:
8/26/2020 c1 Guest
9/9/2019 c1 DementedDementor
Reading this at 11:30 on was not a good ideaI just about woke every one up
6/30/2018 c1 Guest
Now that was beautiful
7/29/2015 c1 onetree
Ahhhhh omg I love the twist that was so good!
6/27/2015 c1 Guest
Haha. This rocked ;-)
6/3/2015 c1 Anon 9999993
You definitely didn't need to rate this M, but it was an awesome story! Probably either T or K.
4/20/2015 c1 89babyvfan
I won't lie I didn't see that one coming. That was too good. Especially with Ron landing head-first into his pudding
2/28/2015 c1 Guest
LOL I wasn't expecting that hahaahahaha! That was fucking good! Nice plot twist. :)
3/27/2014 c1 2jupimako
2/15/2014 c1 igotmoneymoney
Love it
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